Special Interest Groups

Our special interest groups (SIGs) are interdisciplinary groups of three or more researchers from at least two faculties, that work on subthemes relevant to the focus area Governing the Digital Society. 

AI, government and behavior

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Increasingly, government organizations use algorithms and data with the aim to support policy and decision-making. In this SIG, scholars from computer science, behavioral science and public administration join forces to contribute to the trustworthy use of AI-powered technologies in public organizations, such as the police, ministerial departments and municipalities.

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Digital migration 

Digitisation and migration are fundamental drivers of economic, cultural, societal, and political transformation, but how are these two processes interrelated?

Governing the social media and data economy

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This Special Interest Group serves as a multidisciplinary platform to learn more about the economics of social media and data. How can we understand the mechanisms, participants, infrastructures and governance of the data economy? How are social media platforms and app stores governed in terms of monetization, business models and user production?

Greening the digital society

What is the relationship between digital technologies and global warming? In what ways do digital technologies contribute to both reducing and accelerating climate change? And what might good environmental governance look like in the digital society?

© iStockphoto.com/peterhowell

Inclusion in the datafied city

Modern cities are datafied cities. How can data aid in strengthening civic participation and public values in the smart city? How can the use of data lead to more equitable outcomes for citizens? 

Platformisation of education

Commercial platforms have deeply penetrated the organisation of Dutch primary, secondary and higher education. What does this embrace of private platforms mean for education as a public good, driven by public values?

Streaming video

How are streaming video services and social media platforms transforming industry practices? In what ways are these digital platforms reshaping the dynamic between content, creators, and audiences? What regulatory responses have been initiated and what are the implications of these?

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PhD Network

The PhD Network SIG aims to support PhD researchers in their current projects, to explore the intersections of their respective disciplines and fields, build bridges through interdisciplinary collaboration, and generally foster a welcoming, supporting, and productive PhD community.