Join us

If you are interested in joining one of our groups, please consider the following options:
In case we have open and funded positions for PhD students or postdoctoral fellows, these will be advertised here and on Working at Utrecht University.
The Uebbing lab is currently recruiting a PhD student in gene regulatory evolution. Find more info on the position here!
PhD students
PhD students are hired through the lab, but will also be affiliated with an Utrecht graduate school for some trainings, PhD retreat, et cetera.
Postdoctoral fellows
Applications from motivated postdoctoral fellows with a strong background in functional genomics, gene regulation and epigenetics, computational biology, synthetic biology or biochemistry, and willing to apply for competitive grants are strongly encouraged. Please include a cover letter, a CV and publication list and contact details of two referees.
Master/Bachelor students
We have research possibilities for MSc and BSc students. MSc students, please contact one of the PIs directly. BSc students, please see this page for additional information.