Mathematics Education

The Mathematics Education (MathEd) group’s mission is to foster mathematics education in the Netherlands and beyond through (1) the design of and didactic research on innovative mathematical activities, both in formal and informal education and (2) the education of mathematics teachers through research- and development-informed pre- and in-service teacher training. As such, the team contributes to the FI’s overall mission to foster scientific and mathematical literacy in life and society and connects to the multidisciplinary overarching themes central in the institute’s work. The MathEd group’s focus lies in secondary education.

  1. To provide excellent research-informed pre-service and in-service Bsc- and MSc-level mathematics teacher education;
  2. To be a leading research institute on the topic of digital technology in mathematics education and the higher-order learning trajectories and goals that emerge from digitization;
  3. To be a leading institute, central in the educational network, in the field of secondary mathematics education, as well as primary and tertiary education, in relation to developments
    in subjects such as science and language

The main overall strategic challenge for the MathEd group over the next five years will be to make choices in line with the above strategic aims and to hire new staff to support realizing these aims. To this end, a staffing plan for the coming five years will be established that includes both quantity and quality.