
The Freudenthal Institute (FI) is a multidisciplinary institute concerned with science and mathematics education, science communication, and the history and philosophy of science. The institute in its current form exists since the merger of the Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education and the Institute for History and Philosophy of Science in 2014. The timeline below provides a concise overview of the institute’s history. At present, the Institute is more than the sum of its parts, and benefits of the wide range of available expertise, as is elaborated in the Institute’s Research Programme 2021-2026.

On these pages, the historical backgrounds of the institute and its predecessors are briefly sketched. We separately address:

In addition, some underpinning references on the work done by the Freudenthal Institute and its predecessors are provided.

Een tijdlijn van de verschillende instituten die aan de basis liggen van het huidige Freudenthal Instituut.