Examples of ERI research and recent publications

Some of the publications and examples of ERI research at Utrecht University:

Chromium-6 compensation schemes

twee Nederlandse treinen, intercity en sprinter in een Nederlands station

Utrecht University is conducting research into chromium-6 compensation schemes. This substance is harmful to health. Workers can come into contact with it during activities such as spraying paint, sanding and welding. The municipality of Tilburg has set up a "chromium-6 compensation scheme" for people who have worked on the NS/NedTrain site in Tilburg. 
With the research into the chromium-6 compensation schemes, Utrecht University wants to find out how victims experience this scheme. This is important, because an important reason to set up these compensation schemes is that they are experienced as more pleasant than the classical route of liability law. This research contributes to this assumption and hopes to make compensation schemes better in the future.

In-work poverty

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In 2021, dr. Bekker, mr. Evers, prof. Houwerzijl, and dr. Zekic wrote a National Report for the European project 'Working, Yet Poor', which investigates in-work poverty in seven EU countries. This National Report is the result of an investigati7on into the phenomenon of in-work poverty in the Netherlands in relation to four specific vulnerable and under-represented groups of workers (VUP groups) identified within the Working, Yet Poor (WorkYP) project: low or unskilled standard workers; solo or bogus self-employed workers; workers on fixed-term contracts, agency workers and involuntary part-time workers; and casual and platform workers.

The purpose of the report is to analyse the regulatory structures that affect working conditions for the VUP groups and to assess the various aspects of the regulations that may have a direct and indirect effect on the situation of in-work poverty for these workers. The report also discusses data on poverty risks in relation to various individual and family variables of the four groups, and analyses the legal framework.

Research on transgender prisoners

Persoon met bordje trans rights are human rights

Pauline Jacobs conducts research into vulnerable detainees, more specifically transgender detainees.

In recent years, support for the classic idea that gender is binary has been declining. Within the prison system, however, binary genders are still assumed. Questions surrounding the (legal) position of transgender prisoners are emerging, not only around the placement in a male or female facility, but also with regard to the treatment and treatment of this group. Although LGBTQI issues have recently received more attention socially and legally, also in a European perspective, there is a lack of insight into the size of the group of transgender prisoners, the problems they face and the human rights aspects of the treatment of this group

Research on transgender prisoners

Recent publications

Rijnhout, R. (Author), van Dongen, E. G. D. (Author), van Maurik, D. (Author), & Giesen, I. (Author). (2020). Onderzoek naar kenmerken van langlopende letselschadezaken. Web publication/site http://blog.ucall.nl/index.php/2020/09/onderzoek-naar-kenmerken-van-langlopende-letselschadezaken/

R. Rijnhout, ‘Mothers of Srebrenica: causation and partial liability under Dutch tort law’, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 2021, p. 127–140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/ujiel.543.

Van den Bos, K., Schiffelers, M.-J., Bal, M., Grootelaar, H., Bertram, I., Jansma, A., & De Haas, S. (2020). Seksueel misbruik en aangiftebereidheid binnen de gemeenschap van Jehova’s getuigen. Den Haag: Boom juridisch. https://boeken.rechtsgebieden.boomportaal.nl/publicaties/9789462907782#5

Ansems, L. F. M., Van den Bos, K., & Mak, E. (2020). Speaking of justice: A qualitative interview study on perceived procedural justice among defendants in criminal cases. Law and Society Review54, 643-679. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/lasr.12499

Van den Bos, K. (2020). Empirical legal research: A primerCheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/empirical-legal-research-9781789907223.html

Bekker, S. and Leschke, J. (2021), Fragmented labour markets in affluent societies: examples from Germany and the Netherlands, OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.48, Brussels: European Social Observatory, 24 p.


Bekker, S. (2021). Hardening and softening of country-specific recommendations in the European Semester. West European Politics44(1), 114-133. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2020.1739407

Beekhuis, T., & de Zanger, W. S. (2019). De niet meldende Wwft-plichtige handelaar in het strafrecht. Delikt en Delinkwent, (10), 846-865. http://deeplinking.kluwer.nl/?param=00D2B2C3&cpid=WKNL-LTR-Nav2

Albers, W., Beekhuis, T., & ter Haar, R. (2020). Medeplegen: van wezenlijke bijdrage naar planverwezenlijking? Delikt en Delinkwent, 4, [23]. http://deeplinking.kluwer.nl/?param=00D351D8&cpid=WKNL-LTR-Nav2

Riesthuis, T. E. (2020). Rechtsvinding en transnationaal rechtspluralisme. In B. de Vries, E. Mak, L. van den Berge, T. Riesthuis, J. Tigchelaar, J. Kiewiet, S. Burri, & T. de Sterke (Eds.), Rechtstheorie en praktijk – een liber amicorum: Beschouwingen rondom het werk van professor A.M. Hol (pp. 101-110). Boom Juridisch.