Publications 2008

  • Antheunisse, A. M., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Short-term responses of soil nutrient dynamics and herbaceous riverine plant communities to summer inundation. Wetlands,28:232-244.
  • Beumer, V., Van Wirdum, G., Beltman, B., Griffioen, J., Grootjans, A. P., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Geochemistry and flooding as determining factors of plant species composition in Dutch winter-flooded riverine grasslands. Science of the Total Environment,402:70-81.
  • Coci, M., Bodelier, P.L.E., Laanbroek, H.J. (2008) Epiphyton as a niche for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria: detailed comparison with the benthic and pelagic compartments in freshwater shallow lakes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74: 1963-1971
  • Esmeijer-Liu, A. J., Aerts, R., Kürschner, W. M., Bobbink, R., Lotter, A.F.M., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Nitrogen enrichment lowers Betula pendula green and yellow leaf stoichiometry irrespective of effects of elevated carbon dioxide. Plant and Soil (published online DOI 10.1007/s11104-008-9783-1).
  • Filley, T. R., McCormick, M. K., Crow, S. E., Szlavecz, K., Whigham, D. F., Johnston, C. T., Van den Heuvel, R. N. (2008) Comparison of the chemical alteration trajectory of Liriodendron tulipifera L. leaf litter among forests with different earthworm abundance. Journal of Geophysical Research,113: G01027.
  • Geurts, J. J. M., Smolders, A. J. P., Verhoeven, J. T. A., Roelofs, J. G. M., Lamers, L. P. M. (2008) Sediment Fe : PO4 ratio as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for the restoration of macrophyte biodiversity in fen waters. Freshwater Biology,53:2101-2116.
  • Hahn, S., Bauer, S. & Klaassen, M. 2008. Quantification of allochthonous nutrient input into freshwater bodies by herbivorous waterbirds. Freshwater Biology,53:181-193.
  • Klaassen, M., Bauer, S., Madsen, J., Possingham, H. P. (2008) Optimal management of a goose flyway: migrant management at minimum cost. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45:1446-1452.
  • Klaassen, M., Nolet, B. A.(2008) Stoichiometry of endothermy: shifting the quest from nitrogen to carbon. Ecology Letters, 11:785-792.
  • Kleijn, D., Bekker, R.M., Bobbink, R., De Graaf, M.C.C., Roelofs, J.G.M. (2008) In search for key biogeochemical factors affecting plant species persistence in heathlands and acidic grasslands: a comparison of common and rare species.Journal of Applied Ecology,45: 680-687.
  • Laanbroek, H.J., Speksnijder, A.G.C.L. (2008) Niche separation of ammonia-oxidising bacteria across a tidal freshwater marsh. Environmental Microbiology,10 3017-3025
  • Miletto, M., Loy, A., Antheunisse, A. M., Loeb, R., Bodelier, P. L. E., Laanbroek, H. J. (2008) Biogeography of sulphate-reducing bacteria in river floodplains.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 64: 395-406
  • Mouissie M., Apol, M. E. F., Heil, G. W. and Van Diggelen, R. (2008) Creation and preservation of vegetation patterns by grazing. Ecological Modeling 218: 60-72.
  • Sandsten, H., Klaassen, M. (2008) Swan foraging shapes spatial distribution of two submerged plants, favouring the preferred prey species. Oecologia, 156: 569-576.
  • Sekido, T., Bodelier, P. L. E., Shoji, T., Suwa, Y., Laanbroek, H. J. (2008) Limitations of the use of group-specific primers in real-time PCR as appear from quantitative analyses of closely related ammonia-oxidising species. Water Research, 42: 1093-1101
  • Smits, N. A. C., Willems, J. H., Bobbink, R. (2008) Long-term after-effects of fertilisation on the restoration of calcareous grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science, 11: 279-286.
  • Sollie, S., Coops, H., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Natural and constructed littoral zones as nutrient traps in eutrophicated shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia 605:219-233.
  • Sollie, S., Janse, J. H., Mooij, W. M., Coops, H., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) The Contribution of Marsh Zones to Water Quality in Dutch Shallow Lakes: A Modeling Study. Environmental Management, 42:1002-1016.
  • Sollie, S., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Nutrient cycling and retention along a littoral gradient in a Dutch shallow lake in relation to water level regime. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 193:107-121.
  • Soons, M.B. and Bullock, J.M. (2008) Non-random seed abscission, long-distance wind dispersal and plant migration rates. Journal of Ecology, 96: 581-590.
  • Soons, M.B., Van der Vlugt, C., Van Lith, B., Heil, G.W. and Klaassen, M. (2008) Small seed size increases the potential for dispersal of wetland plants by ducks.Journal of Ecology 96: 619-627.
  • Tijdens, M., Hoogveld, H.L., Kamst-van Agterveld, M.P., Simis, S.G.H., Baudoux, A.C., Laanbroek, H.J., Gons, H.J. (2008) Population dynamics and diversity of viruses, bacteria and phytoplankton in a shallow eutrophic lake.Microbial Ecology, 56: 29-42.
  • Van den Heuvel, R.N. Hefting, M.M., Tan, N.C.G., Jetten, M.S.M. Verhoeven, J.T.A.(2008) N2O emission hotspots at different spatial scales and governing factors for small scale hotspots. Science of the Total Environment (published online doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.11.010).
  • Van Gils, J. A., Beekman, J. H., Coehoorn, P., Corporaal, E., Dekkers, T., Klaassen, M., Kraaij van, R., Leeuw de, R. & de Vries, P. P. (2008) Longer guts and higher food quality increase energy intake in migratory swans. Journal of Animal Ecology.
  • Verhoeven, J. T. A., Soons, M. B., Janssen, R., Omtzigt, N. (2008) An Operational Landscape Unit approach for identifying key landscape connections in wetland restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45:1496-1503.
  • Weijters, M. J., Janse, J., Alkemade, R., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2009) Quantifying the effect of catchment land use and water nutrient concentrations on freshwater river and stream biodiversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 19:104-112.
  • Wichmann, M.C., Alexander, M.J., Soons, M.B., Galsworthy, S., Dunne, L., Gould, R., Fairfax, C., Niggemann, M., Hails, R.S. and Bullock, J.M. (2009) Human-mediated dispersal of seeds over long distances. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276: 523-532.

Book chapters

  • Fujita, Y., de Ruiter, P. and Heil, G.W. (2007). Integrated eco-hydrological modeling of fens: a brief review and future perspectives. In Okruszko et al.(Eds.), Wetlands: Monitoring,Modelling and Management (pp.161-164), Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  • Heil, G.W. and Van Deursen, W.P.A. (2007). Metafore: an afforestation deposition-soil-water-vegetation metamodel. The 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling ECEM'07. Challenges for ecological modelling in a changing world: Global Changes, Sustainability and Ecosystem Based Management. Pp. 210-212.

Professional publications

  • Anten, NPR, Pawlowski M, von Wettberg E, Huber H (2008) Interactive effects of spectral shading and mechanical stress on the expression and costs of shade avoidance. American Naturalist (in press).
  • Antheunisse, A. M. Hefting M.M., Verhoeven, E., Bos, E.J.(2008) Moerasbufferstroken: potenties voor nutriëntenverwijdering en economisch rendement, H2O, 20: 35-38
  • Antheunisse, A. M., Hefting, M. M. & Bos,E. (2008) Moerasbufferstroken langs watergangen; haalbaarheid en functionaliteit in Nederland. STOWA rapport 2008-07, Utrecht
  • Antheunisse, A. M., Verberk, W. C. E. P., Verhoeven, J. T. A., Schouwenaars, J. M., Limpens, J. (2008) Preadvies Laagveen- en Zeekleilandschap – een systeemanalyse op landschapsniveau. O+BN rapport, DK-LNV, Ede.
  • Beltman, B., Weijs, W., Sarneel, J. M. (2008) Werken de KRW- en Natura 2000-criteria voor sloten en veenplassen? H2O 8: 25-27.
  • Bobbink, R. (2008) Biodiversiteit in natuurreservaten. Landschap, 25(3):109-115.
  • Bobbink, R., Bijlsma, R-J., Brouwer, E., Eichhorn, K., Haveman, R., Hommel, P., Van Noorwijk, T., Schaminée, J., Verberk, W., De Waal, R., en Wallis de Vries, M. (2008) Preadvies Hellingbossen in Zuid-Limburg. O+BN rapport, DK-LNV, Ede.
  • Chien, P.D., P.A. Zuidema & N.H. Nghia (2008). Conservation prospects for threatened Vietnamese tree species: results from a demographic study. Population Ecology 50: 227-237.
  • Couvreur, T.L.P., J.E. Richardson, M.S.M. Sosef, R.H.J. Erkens and L.W. Chatrou (2008). Evolution of syncarpy and other morphological characters in African Annonaceae: a posterior mapping approach. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 47(1): 302-318.
  • De Haan, B.J., Kros, J., Bobbink, R., van Jaarsveld, J. A., De Vries, W., en Noordijk, H. (2008) Ammoniak in Nederland. Rapport Planbureau voor de leefomgeving, 500125003, Bilthoven.
  • De Groot, G.A., R.H.J. Erkens and H.J. During (2008). WODAN: de invloed van verspreidings- en vestigingsmogelijkheden op het ontstaan van biodiversiteit.Gorteria 33: 59-60.
  • Erkens, R.H.J. and P. Baas (2008). Utrecht: rise and fall of a great herbarium. Taxon 57(3): 1024-1026.
  • Erkens, R.H.J., H. Cross, J.W. Maas, K. Hoenselaar and L.W. Chatrou (2008). Age and greenness of herbarium specimens as predictor for successful extraction and amplification of DNA. Blumea 53(2): 407-428.
  • Erkens, R.H.J. and P.J.M. Maas (2008). The Guatteria group disentangled: sinkingGuatteriopsis, Guatteriella, and Heteropetalum into Guatteria. Rodriguésia 59(2): 401-406.
  • Erkens, R.H.J., L.Y.T. Westra and P.J.M. Maas (2008). Increasing diversity in the species-rich genus Guatteria (Annonaceae). Blumea 53(3): 467-514.
  • Jeroen Geurts, Judith Sarneel, Miguel Dionisio Pires, Gabi Milder- Mulderij (gastauteur), Jos Schouwenaars, Marcel Klinge, Jos Verhoeven, Sjoerd van der Wielen, Nico Jaarsma, Wilco Verberk, Hans Esselink, Bas Ibelings, Ellen van Donk, Jan Roelofs, Leon Lamers. (2008) Onderzoek ten behoeve van het herstel en beheer van Nederlandse laagveenwateren. Tussentijdse OBN-rapportage (Fase 2, tweede onderzoeksjaar).
  • Gomez, S., Onoda, Y., Ossipov, V. & Stuefer, J.F. (2008). Systematic induced resistance: a risk-spreading strategy in clonal plant networks? New Phytologist 179: 1142-1153.
  • De Groot, G.A., R.H.J. Erkens & H.J. During (2008). WODAN: de invloed van verspreidings- en vestigingsmogelijkheden op het ontstaan van biodiversiteit. Gorteria 33: 59-60.
  • Havinga, R.M. & van Andel, T.R. (2008). "Duur om te zien": is de oogst van medicinale planten in Suriname duurzaam? OSO, Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek 27: 266-283.
  • Huber H, de Brouwer J, de Caluwe H, Weijschedé J, Anten, N.P.R. (2008) Shade induced changes in biomechanical petiole propertiesin the stoloniferous herbTrifolium repens. Evolutionary Ecology (2008) 22:399–416. DOI 10.1007/s10682-007-9204-6 
  • Hubbell, S.P., He, F., Condit, R., Borda-de-Água, L., Kellner, J. & ter Steege, H. (2008) How Many Tree Species Are There in the Amazon and How Many of Them Will Go Extinct? PNAS 105: 11498-11504.
  • Hubbell, S.P., He, F., Condit, R., Borda-de-Água, L., Kellner, J. & ter Steege, H. (2008). Extinction Risk Estimates Are Approximations, But Not Invalid. PNAS 105: E122
  • Ikegami, M., van Hal, S., van Rheenen, J.W.A., Whigham, D.F. & Werger, M.J.A. (2008). Spatial division of labour of Schoenoplectus americanus. Plant Ecology 199: 55-64. (DOI 10.1007/s11258-008-9411-4) 
  • Kros, J., de Haan, B.J., Bobbink, R., van Jaarsveld, J. A., Roelofs, J. G. M. & de Vries, W. (2008) Effecten van ammoniak op de Nederlands natuur – Achtergrondrapport. Alterra-rapport 1698, Wageningen.
  • Onoda, Y., Schieving, F. and Anten, N.P.R. (2008) Effects of Light and Nutrient Availability on Leaf Mechanical Properties of Plantago major: A Conceptual Approach. Annals of Botany 101: 727–736, 2008. DOI:10.1093/aob/mcn013, available online at 
  • Poorter, L. & Rozendaal, M.A. (2008). Leaf size and leaf display of thirty-eight tropical tree species. Oecologia 158: 35-46.
  • Putz, F.E. & P.A. Zuidema. (2008). Contributions of Ecologists to the Conservation of Tropical Forests. In: W. Carson & S. Schnitzer (eds). TropicalForest Community Ecology. Blackwell 
  • Putz, F.E., P.A. Zuidema, M.A. Pinard, R.G.A. Boot, J.A. Sayer, D. Sheil, P. Sist, Elias and J.K. Vanclay, (2008). Improved tropical forest management for carbon retention. PLoS Biology, 1368-1369 
  • Ruysschaert, S., van Andel, T.R., Van de Putte, K. & Van Damme, P. (2008). Bathe the baby to make it strong, healthy: Plant use and child care among Saramaccan Maroons in Suriname. Journal of Ethnopharmacology doi:10.1016/j.jep.2008.10.020
  • Saatchi S, Buermann W, ter Steege H, Mori S, Smith T (2008). Modeling distribution of Amazonian tree species and diversity using remote sensing measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 112 2000–2017. 
  • Selaya NG, Anten NPR (2008). Differences in biomass allocation, light interception and mechanical stability between lianas and trees in early secondary tropical forest. Functional Ecology 22: 30-39. 
  • Selaya, NG, Oomen, RJ Netten JC, Werger MJA, Anten NPR (2008) Biomass allocation and leaf life span in relation to light interception by tropical forest plants during the first years of secondary succession. Journal of Ecology 2008, 96, 1211–1221 (doi 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2008.01441).
  • Siebel, HN, During, HJ & van Melick, HMH (2008). Aanvullingen op de standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen (2008). Buxbaumiella 82: 1-5.
  • Smits, N. A. C., Huiskes, H. P. J., Willems, J. H., en Bobbink, R. (2008) Heischraal grasland op Zuid-Limburgse hellingen: mogelijkheden voor versnelde ontwikkleing? De Levende Natuur, 109:169-175.
  • Tata, H.L. 2008. Mycorrhizae on dipterocarps in rubber agroforests (RAF) in Sumatra. PhD thesis, Utrecht.
  • Tata, H.L., Rasnovi, S., van Noordwijk, M. & Werger, M.J.A. (2008). Can rubber agroforests conserve biodiversity in Jambi (Sumatra)? Proceedings of Indonesian Students’ Scientific Meeting, Delft, The Netherlands, May 2008. pp. 6-11.
  • Van Andel, T.R. (2008). Geheimen uit de medicijnkast van Tresor. Tresor Nieuws 24: 14-15
  • Van Andel, T.R., de Korte, S., Koopmans, D., Behari-Ramdas, J. and S. Ruysschaert. (2008). 'Wasi ondrosei'; het gebruik van vaginale stoombaden in Suriname. OSO 27 (1): 52-71.  Download from
  • Van Andel, T.R. (2008). Oso dresi ini Bakra kondre. Het gebruik van traditionele geneeswijzen door Surinamers in Nederland. GGD Den Haag en Nationaal Herbarium, Universiteit Utrecht. Download from
  • Van Andel, Tinde, Reinout Havinga. (2008). Sustainability aspects of commercial medicinal plant harvesting in Suriname. Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1540–1545.
  • Van Andel, Tinde, Sanne de Korte, Daphne Koopmans, Joelaika Behari-Ramdas, Sofie Ruysschaert. (2008). Dry sex in Suriname. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 116 (2008) 84–88. 
  • Van Andel, Tinde, Joelaika Behari-Ramdas, Reinout Havinga and Sara Groenendijk (2008). The Medicinal Plant Trade in Suriname. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 5:351-373 
  • Van Andel, T.R., de Korte, S., Koopmans, D., Behari-Ramdas, J. and S. Ruysschaert. (2008). 'Wasi ondrosei'; het gebruik van vaginale stoombaden in Suriname. OSO 27 (1): 52-71. Download from
  • Van Andel, T.R., Ruysschaert, S., de Korte, S., Koopmans, D., Behari-Ramdas, J.A. and L. Niekoop. (2008). Het gebruik van vaginale stoombaden door Surinaamse vrouwen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Obstetrie & Gynaecologie 121: 242-246
  • Van den Berg, L. J. L., Dorland, E. (2008) Moeizaam heideherstel ontrafeld. Landschap, 25(3):116-117.
  • Van der Hoeven, E.C. & During, H.J. (2008).  Interspecific interactions between bryophytes in a Dutch chalk grassland after pulse perturbation. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde 70: 277-288.
  • Van Kuijk, M. (2008). Forest regeneration and restoration in Vietnam. PhD thesis, Utrecht.
  • Van Kuijk M,  Anten NPR, Oomen RJ, van Bentum DW, Werger MJA (2008) The limited importance of size-asymmetric light competition and growth of pioneer species in early secondary forest succession in Vietnam. Oecologia 157: 1-12.
  • Vermeulen, Peter J.; Anten, Niels P.R.; Schieving, Feike; Werger, Marinus J.A.; During, Heinjo J. (2008). Height convergence in response to neighbour growth: genotypic differences in the stoloniferous plant Potentilla reptans. New Phytologist 177: 688-697.
  • Vermeulen, P.J. Stuefer JF, During HJ, Anten NPR (2008) Leaf investment and light partitioning among leaves of different genotypes of the clonal plantPotentilla reptans in dense stands after five years of competition. Annals of Botany 102: 935-943, available on line at: 
  • Werger, M.J.A. & Hirose, T. (2008). Light capture and plant architecture determine co-existence and competitive exclusion in grassland succession – and grazing interferes in this process. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfaelischen Museum fuer Naturkunde 70: 471-488.

Abstracts symposia

  • Sarneel, J.M. Groen, R., Buijze, A. Soons, M,B, Verhoeven, JTA. (2008) Wind effects on hydrochourous dispersal in shallow lakes. poster presentation NERN dagen, Lunteren, 2008
  • Sarneel, J.M., Soons, M.B., Groen, R., Buijze, A., and Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2008) Wind effects on hydrochorous dispersal and seed bank assembly in Dutch fen systems. oral presentation GFO conference, Leipzig.
  • Sarneel, J.M., McGroarty, S., Brouwer, A., Geurts, J., Ter Heerdt, G., Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2008) Hoe kunnen we in veengebieden weer goed begroeide, levende oevers krijgen? Oral presentation IVN symposium, Reewijk.
  • Van de Riet, B. P., Brouns, K., Barendregt, A., Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Nutrient limitation of species-rich peat grasslands. Oral presentation. 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Cuiaba, Brazil.
  • Van de Riet, B.P., Hefting, M.M. (2008) Effects of N and P addition on aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of litter from rewetted dairy meadows. Poster presentation. 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Cuiaba, Brazil.
  • Van den Heuvel, R. N., Tan, N. C. G., Hefting, M. M., Jetten, M. S. M. (2008) Small scale hotspot behaviour of N2O emission from soils; what is the mechanism? N-Cycle meeting Nijmegen.
  • Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2008) Wetlands and agriculture. Opportunities and limitations. Oral presentation. 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Cuiaba, Brazil. July 20.-25. 2008.
  • Verhoeven, J. T. A. and Beltman, B. (2008) Effects of occasional floods on vegetation of temperate river floodplains. Oral presentation. 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Cuiaba, Brazil.
  • Verhoeven, J. T. A. and Soons, M. B. (2008) An operational landscape unit approach to wetland restoration. Oral presentation. 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Cuiaba, Brazil.