Dorland, E., Van den Berg, L. J. L., Van de Berg, A. J., Vermeer, M. L., Roelofs, J. G. M., Bobbink, R., 2004. The effects of sod cutting and liming on nitrification in heathland soils. Plant and Soil in press.
Dorland, E., Kerkhof, A. C., Rulli, J. M., Bobbink, R., 2004. Mesocosm seepage experiment to restore the buffering capacity of acidified wet heath soils. Ecological Engineering 23, 221-229.
Paulissen, M. P. C. P., Van der Ven, P. J. M., Dees, A. J., Bobbink, R., 2004. Differential effects of nitrate and ammonium on three fen bryophyte species in relation to pollutant nitrogen input. New Phytologist, 164, 551-458.
Hefting,M., Clement,J.C., Dowrick,D., Cosandey,A.C., Bernal,S., Cimpian,C., Tatur,A., Burt,T.P., and Pinay,G. 2004. Water table elevation controls on soil nitrogen cycling in riparian wetlands along a European climatic gradient. Biogeochemistry 67, 113-134.
Meuleman, A.F.M., B. Beltman,& R.A. Scheffer, 2004. Water pollution control by aquatic vegetation of treatment wetlands. Wetland Ecology and Management in press.
Toet S., Van Logtestijn R.S.P., Huibers L.H.F.A. & Verhoeven J.T.A., 2003. Denitrification in the periphyton associated with plant shoots and in the sediment of a wetland system supplied with sewage treatment plant effluent. Hydrobiologia 501, 29-44.
Verhoeven, J. T. A., and A. J. Baird., 2004. Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in wetland ecosystems in relation to biodiversity restoration. Wetlands Ecology and Management 11:365-366.
Professional publications
Anten, N.P.R., Hikosaka, K., Nagashima, H. & Hirose, T. 2004. Quantifying the asymmetry of resource competition: Is competition for light always asymmetric? Plant Ecology: in press.
Anten, N.P.R., Hirose, T., Onoda, Y., Kinugasa, T., Kim, H.Y., Okada, M. & Kobayashi, K. 2004. Elevated CO2 and nitrogen availability have interactive effects on canopy carbon gain in rice. New Phytologist 161: 459-472.
B. Beltman & T. van Noordwijk. 2004 Kleinschalig plaggen van trilveen. De levende Natuur 105 (4) 130-134.
Beltman, B., 2004. OBN-rapport: Effectgerichte maatregelen tegen verdroging, verzuring en stikstofdepositie op trilvenen ( Noord-Holland, Utrecht en Noordwest Overijssel). ECN-LNV, Ede.
Bobbink, R., Brouwer, E., ten Hoopen, J. G., Dorland, E., 2004. Herstelbeheer in het heidelandschap: effectiviteit, knelpunten en duurzaamheid. In Duurzaam natuurherstel voor behoud biodiversiteit. 15 jaar herstelmaatregelen in het kader van het overlevingsplan bos en natuur, eds. G. J. Van Duinen et al., pp. 33-69. Expertisecentrum LNV, Ede.
Bobbink, R., 2004. Plant species richness and the exceedance of empirical nitrogen critical loads: an inventory. pp. 1-19. Report Landscape Ecology, Utrecht University/RIVM, Utrecht.
Coops, H. Sollie, S. en Portielje, R., 2004. Lagere nutrientengehalten in meren en plassen door natuurlijker peilbeheer? H2O 14/15. p.25-27
De Graaf, M., Verbeek, P., Robat, S., Bobbink, R., Roelofs, J., De Goeij, S., Scherpenisse, M., 2004. Lange-termijn effecten van herstelbeheer in heide en heischrale graslanden. pp. 1-219. Expertisecentrum LNV, Ede.
Elemans, M. 2004. Light, nutrients and growth of herbaceous forest species. Acta Oecologica: 26:197-202. [pdf 245kb]
Geurts, Jeroen, Babette Bontes, Hein Pijnappel, Jos Schouwenaars, Marcel Klinge, Hein van Kleef en Leon Lamers, 2004. Onderzoek ten behoeve van het herstel en beheer van Nederlandse laagveenwateren, Tussentijdse OBN rapportage (eerste onderzoeksjaar) maart 2004. Expertisecentrum LNV, Ede.
Goosen, H., R. Janssen, M. L. Verhoeven, N. Omtzigt, and J. T. A. Verhoeven., 2004. Ruimtelijke multicriteria analyse in veenweidegebieden. Landschap 21:122-134.
Guo, K. & Werger, M.J.A. 2004. Responses of Fagus engleriana seedlings to light and nutrient avalaibility. Acta Botanica Sinica 46:533-541
Ikegami, M. 2004. Functional specialization of ramets in a clonal plant network. PhD thesis Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands (See also this link for thesis in pdf format).
Liu, Y. 2004. Studies on physiological ecology, reproduction and adaptability in herbaceous climbing plants. Ph.D. thesis SW China Normal University, Chongqing, China.
Pons T.L., Anten N.P.R. 2004. Is plasticity in partitioning of photosynthetic resources between and within leaves important for whole-plant carbon gain in canopies? Functional Ecology 18: 802-811.
Poorter, L., van de Plassche, M., Willems, S. & Boot, R.G.A. 2004. Leaf traits and herbivory rates of tropical tree species differing in successional status. Plant Biology 6: 746-754.
Pronk, T.E. 2004. The role of plant traits in the regulation of diversity - a modelling study. Ph.D. thesis Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands (See also this link for thesis in pdf format).
Soons, M.B., Nathan,R. & Katul,G.G. 2004. Human effects on long-distance wind dispersal and colonization by grassland plants. Ecology 85: 3056-3068.
Soons, M.B., Heil,G.W., Nathan,R. & Katul,G.G. 2004. Determinants of long-distance seed dispersal by wind in grasslands. Ecology 85: 3069-3079.
Van Duinen, G. J., Bobbink, R., Van Dam, C., Esselink, H., Hendriks, R., Klein, M., Kooijman, A., Roelofs, J., Siebel, H., (eds) 2004. Duurzaam natuurherstel voor behoud van biodiversiteit. 15 jaar herstelmaatregelen in het kader van het overlevingsplan bos en natuur. pp. 1-240. Expertisecentrum LNV, Ede.
van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L. & D. Sheil, D. 2004. Separating the effects of severe drought and subsequent fire on tree survival in a lowland dipterocarp rain forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Ecology 93: 191-201.
Van Rheenen, H.M.P.J.B., Boot, R.G.A., Werger, M.J.A. & Ulloa, M.U. 2004. Regeneration of timber trees in a logged tropical forest in North Bolivia. Forest Ecology and Management 200: 39-48.
van Ulft, L.H. 2004. The effect of seed mass and gap size on seed fate of tropical rain forest tree species in Guyana. Plant Biology 6: 214-221.
van Ulft, L.H. 2004. Regeneration in Natural and Logged Tropical Rain Forest. Modelling seed dispersal and regeneration of tropical trees in Guyana. PhD thesis Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Tropenbos-Guyana Series 12. Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, Georgetown, Guyana (See also this link for thesis in pdf format).
Whigham, D.F. & Willems, J.H. 2004. Demographic studies and life-history strategies of temperate terrestrial orchids as a basis for conservation. pp. 137-158 in: Dixon, K.W. et al. (eds.), Orchid conservation. Natural Hist. Publ., Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Willems,J.H. 2004. Les relations entre la multiplication végétative et la reproduction sexuée chez Spiranthes spiralis. L'Orchidophile 161: 139-144.
Zeng, B., Zhong, Z.C. & Zhang, X.P. 2004. Position-dependent shoot production of two subtropical fig tree species following crown damage. Acta Botanica Sinica 46: 907-914.
Symposium abstracts
Antheunisse, A.M., 2004. The effect of summer flooding on soil geochemistry and vegetation: Experimental comparison between a disturbed and a more pristine floodplain system. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Antheunisse, A.M., 2004. The effect of summer flooding on soil geochemistry and vegetation. Soil & Water symposium, Zeist, the Netherlands, 2-3 June 2004
Beltman, B., P. van der Ven & V. Beumer, 2004. Flooding as a restoration measure: 3 years of experience in fen meadows. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Beumer, V., 2004. Comparative study in Dutch brook valleys on the biogeochemical effects of water storage. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Geurts, J.J.M., H.W. Pijnappel, B.M. Bontes., 2004. The Restoration and conservation of fen wetlands in the Netherlands. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Hefting, M.M. & R. Bobbink, 2004. N enrichment and the emission of greenhouse gas N2O from wetlands. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Heuvel, R. van den & A.M. Antheunisse, 2004. Increased nutrient availability following a summer flooding. Soil & Water symposium, Zeist, the Netherlands, 2-3 June 2004
Lawniczak, A., 2004. Nutrient turnover and longevity of wetland plants from nitrogen-, phosphorus- and potassium- limited sites. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
H.W. Pijnappel, A. Mtweve, P.L.A. Erftemeijer, 2004. Lakes of The Lower Rufiji Floodplain, Tanzania. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Paulissen M.P.C.P., R. Bobbink R, J.T.A. Verhoeven, 2004. Differential effects of reduced or oxidised nitrogen inputs on the bryophyte layer in rich fen ecosystems. Invited paper, Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Paulissen M.P.C.P., R. Bobbink, J.T.A. Verhoeven, 2004. Beschleunigte Sukzession in der Moosschicht holländischer Niedermoore: Spielt die Stickstoffdeposition eine Rolle? Moore als Erlebnisraum - Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde, Monschau, Germany, 7-9 October 2004.
Smits, N.A.C., R. Bobbink & J.H. Willems, 2004. Herstel van heischrale graslanden in Zuid-Limburg. Poster workshop 'De toekomst van heidegebieden in Nederland' 3 december 2004, Ede.
Sollie, S., 2004. Vegetation and flooding duration correlated with soil conditions - a field survey in littoral zones of the IJsselmeer area. Seventh INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.
Topa, S., 2004. Vegetation Structure as a Sensitive Indicator of Oil-Contaminated Ecosystems. The new democracies and new research in social sciences, historical sciences and sciences in Romania and Bulgaria. Academic Symposium, Utrecht, 2004.