Publications 2003

International publications

  • Achermann, B. & Bobbink, R. (eds.) 2003. Empirical critical loads for nitrogen. Environmental Documentation No. 164 Air. Swiss Agency for Environment, Forest and Landscape SAEFL, Berne, 327 pp. 
  • Achermann, B. & Bobbink, R. 2003. Workshop summary. In: B. Achermann & R. Bobbink (eds.) Empirical critical loads for nitrogen. Environmental Documentation No. 164 Air, pp. 11-18. Swiss Agency for Environment, Forest and Landscape SAEFL, Berne. 
  • Aerts, R., De Caluwe, H., and Beltman, B., 2003. Is the relation between nutrient supply and biodiversity co-determined by the type of nutrient limitation? Oikos, 101: 489-498.
  • Beltman, B., T. van den Broek, W. Martin, M.ten Cate and S. Gusewell. 2003 Impact of mowing regime on species richness and biomass of a lime stone hay meadow in Ireland. Bulletin Geobotanical Institute ETH, vol 69: 17-31 
  • Bobbink, R., Ashmore, M., Braun, S., Fluckiger, W., & Van den Wyngaert, I. J. J. 2003. Empirical nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems: 2002 update. In: B. Achermann & R. Bobbink (eds.) Empirical critical loads for nitrogen. Environmental Documentation No. 164 Air, pp. 43-170. Swiss Agency for Environment, Forest and Landscape SAEFL, Berne. 
  • Bobbink, R. & Heil, G.W. 2003. Mexico's central volcanoes area: an introduction. In: G.W. Heil, R. Bobbink, & N. Trigo Boix, N. (eds.) Ecology and man in Mexico's central volcanoes area, pp. 1-18. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 
  • Bobbink, R., Heil, G.W. & Verduyn, B. 2003. Man-induced changes in vegetation cover in the Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatepétl region. In: G.W. Heil, R. Bobbink, & N. Trigo Boix, N. (eds.) Ecology and man in Mexico's central volcanoes area, pp. 49-71. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 
  • Dorland, E., Bobbink, R., Messelink, J.H., and Verhoeven, J.T.A. 2003. Soil ammonium accumulation after sod cutting hampers the restoration of degraded wet heathlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 40: 804-814.
  • Güsewell, S, and Bollens, U., 2003. Composition of plant species mixtures grown at various N:P ratios and levels of nutrient supply. Basic Appl. Ecol., 4: 453-466.
  • Güsewell, S., Koerselman, W., and Verhoeven, J.T.A., 2003. Biomass N : P ratios as indicators of nutrient limitation for plant populations in wetlands. Ecological Applications, 13: 372-384.
  • Hefting, M. M., Bobbink, R., & De Caluwe, H. 2003. Nitrous oxide emission and denitrification in chronically nitrate-loaded riparian buffer zones. Journal of Environmental Quality 32, 1194-1203. 
  • Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.) 2003. Ecology and man in Mexico's central volcanoes area. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, 222 pp. 
  • Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. 2003. Ecology and man: synthesis. In: G.W. Heil, R. Bobbink, & N. Trigo Boix, N. (eds.) Ecology and man in Mexico's central volcanoes area, pp. 205-219. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 
  • Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R., Trigo Boix, N. &. Verduyn, B. 2003. Remote sensing biomass of forested ecosystems: modelling the carbon cycle of the Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl national park, Mexico. In: G.W. Heil, R. Bobbink, & N. Trigo Boix, N. (eds.) Ecology and man in Mexico's central volcanoes area, pp. 125-145. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 
  • Lucassen, E.C.H.E., Bobbink, R., Smolders, A.J.P., Van der Ven, P.J.M., Lamers, L.P.M., and Roelofs, J.G.M., 2003. Interactive effects of low pH and high ammonium levels responsible for the decline of Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill. Plant Ecology, 165: 45-52.
  • Meuleman, A.F.M., Van Logtestijn, R., Rijs, G.B.J., and Verhoeven, J.T.A., 2003. Water and mass budgets of a vertical-flow constructed wetland used for wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 20: 31-44.
  • Merot, P., Squividant, H., Aurousseau, P., Hefting, M., Burt, T., Maitre, V., Kruk, M., Butturini, A., Thenail, C., and Viaud, V., 2003. Testing a climato-topographic index for predicting wetlands distribution along an European climate gradient. Ecological Modelling, 163: 51-71.
  • Paulissen, M., Van der Ven, P. J. M., & Bobbink, R. 2003. Differential effects of nitrate and ammonium enrichment on base-rich fen vegetation; preliminary results from Scragh Bog, Central Ireland. In: B. Achermann & R. Bobbink (eds.) Empirical critical loads for nitrogen. Environmental Documentation No. 164 Air, pp. 283-288. Swiss Agency for Environment, Forest and Landscape SAEFL, Berne.
  • Sabater, S., Butturini, A., Clement, J.C., Burt, T., Dowrick, D., Hefting, M., Maitre, V., Pinay, G., Postolache, C., Rzepecki, M., and Sabater, F., 2003. Nitrogen removal by riparian buffers along a European climatic gradient: Patterns and factors of variation. Ecosystems, 6: 20-30.
  • Toet, S., Hersbach, L. and Verhoeven, J.T.A., 2003. Periphyton biomass and nutrient dynamics in a treatment wetland in relation to substratum, hydraulic retention time and nutrient removal. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 139/9, Monogr. Stud., pp 361-392.
  • Trigo Boix, N., Chimal Hernandez, A., Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. &. Verduyn, B. 2003. Classification and mapping of the vegetation using field observations and remote sensing. In: G.W. Heil, R. Bobbink, & N. Trigo Boix, N. (eds.) Ecology and man in Mexico's central volcanoes area, pp. 19-48. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht. 
  • Van den Wyngaert, I.J.J., Wienk, L.D., Sollie, S., Bobbink, R., and Verhoeven, J.T.A., 2003. Long-term effects of yearly grazing by moulting greylag geese (Anser anser) on reed (Phragmites australis) growth and nutrient dynamics. Aquatic Botany, 75: 229-248.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A. and Baird, A., 2003. Hydrological and biogeochemical processes in wetland ecosystems in relation to biodiversity restoration. Wetlands Ecology and Management 11: 365.
  • Wassen, M.J. and Verhoeven, J.T.A., 2003. The integration of scales in landscape ecology. Landschap 20-2: 63-78.
  • Whigham, D.F., Weller, D.E., Deller Jacobs, A., Jordan, T.E., andKentula, M.E., 2003. Assessing the ecological conditions of wetlands at the catchment scale. Landschap 20-2: 99-112.

Professional publications

  • Anten, N.P.R., Hirose, T. 2003. Shoot structure, leaf physiology, and daily carbon gain of plant species in a tallgrass meadow. Ecology 84: 955-968.
  • Anten, N.P.R., Hirose, T., Onoda, Y., Kinugasa, T., Kim, H.Y., Okada, M. & Kobayashi, K. 2003. Elevated CO2 and nitrogen availability have interactive effects on canopy carnon gain in rice. New Phytologist 161: 459-471.
  • Anten, N.P.R., Martinez-Ramos, M., Ackerly, D.D. 2003. Defoliation and growth in an understory palm: quantifying the contributions of compensatory responses. Ecology 84: 2905-2918. 
  • Arets, E.J.M.M., van der Hout, P., Zagt, R.J. 2003. Responses of tree populations and forest composition to selective logging in Guyana. In: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity. Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Tropenbos Series 22. pp 95-115. Wageningen, The Netherlands, Tropenbos International.
  • Blinova, I., Willems, J.H. & van Rheenen, J.W.A. 2003. Intraspecific variation in Orchid populations in two different climatic areas in Europe: Murmansk Region and The Netherlands. I . Phenology. Journal Europäischer Orchideen 35: 79-99.
  • Bobbink, R. & Heil, G.W. 2003. Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area: an introduction. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 1-18. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • Bobbink,R. Heil, G.W. & Verduyn, B. 2003. Man-induced changes in vegetation cover in the Iztaccihuatl-Popocatepetl region. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 48-71. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • Bojanic, A. 2003. El balance es lo hermoso: el desarrollo sustentable y los bosques de la Amazonía Boliviana, 110 pag, PROMAB serie Científica No 8, Riberalta, Bolivia. 
  • Brienen, R., Zuidema, P.A. 2003. Anillos de crecimiento de árboles maderables en Bolivia: su potencial para el manejo de bosques y una guía metodológica, 33 Pag. PROMAB/ IGEMA Informe Técnico Nro 7., Riberalta, Bolivia. 
  • Brienen, R., Zuidema, P.A., Leigue, J.G. 2003. La importancia del ciclo de corta para la recuperación de la madera del bosque: resultados de simulaciónes para seis especies maderables en el Norte de Bolivia PROMAB, Informe Técnico No.8, Riberalta, Bolivia.
  • Cornelissen, J.H.C., Cerabolini, B., Castro-Diez, P., Villar-Salvador, P., Montserrat-Marti, G., Puyravaud, J.P., Maestro, M., Werger, M.J.A. & Aerts, R. 2003. Functional traits of woody plants: correspondence of species rankings between field adults and laboratory-grown seedlings? Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 311-322.
  • Dorland, E., Van den Berg, L., Bobbink, R., & Roelofs, J. 2003. Bekalking bij het herstel van gedegenereerde heiden en heischrale graslanden. De Levende Natuur 104, 144-148.
  • E. Dorland, 2003. Populatie-monitoring van de Vliegenorchis in reactie op hervat hakhoutbeheer in het Gerendal (Zuid-Limburg), deel VI. In opdracht van Staatsbosbeheer, pp. 29.
  • Goubitz, S., Werger, M.J.A. & Ne'eman, G. 2003. Germination response to fire-related factors of seeds from non-serotinous and serotinous cones. Plant Ecology 169: 195-204. [pdf 313kb]
  • Guo, K. 2003. Seedling establishment of Fagus engleriana, a dominant in mountain deciduous forest. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology14:161-164.
  • Heil, G.W. 2003. Dynamics of plant communities in the Iztaccihuatl-Popocatepetl National Park. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 125-145. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. 2003. Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague. 222 pp.
  • Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. 2003. Ecology and man: synthesis. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 205-219. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R., Trigo Boix, N. & Verduyn, B. 2003. Remote sensing biomass of forested ecosystems: modeling the carbon cycle of the Iztaccihuatl – Popocatepetl National Park, Mexico. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 147-171. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • Henkemans, A. 2003. Tranquilidad y sufrimiento en el bosque, los medios de vida y percepciones de los cambas en el bosque de la Amazonía Boliviana. 97 pag. PROMAB serie Científica No 7, Riberalta, Bolivia. 
  • Liu, Y., Zhong, Z.C., Long, Y., Cao, G.X. & Werger, M.J.A. 2003. Effects of α-NAA and UV-B radiation on the growth and transpiration of Trichosanthes kirilowii seedlings. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 27: 454-458.
  • Liu, Y., Zhong, Z.C., Werger, M.J.A., Cao, G.X., Yin, K.L. & Long, Y. 2003. Effects of α-NAA and UV-B radiation on photosynthetic pigments and activities of protective enzymes in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim leaves. Acta Ecologica Sinica 23: 8-13.
  • Muller, O., Hikosaka, K., Hirose, T. 2003, Does photosynthetic acclimation contribute to carbon gain under seasonal environment in the evergreen understorey shrub Aucuba japonica ?, The 50th annual meeting of the ecological society of Japan, p. 286
  • Murakami, B., Samaria, J., Boot, R., Leigue, J., Llanque, G.O., Zuidema, P.A. 2003. Madera residual en un bosque aprovechado en el norte de Bolivia: Evaluación de 6 especies. 13 Pág., PROMAB, Informe Técnico Nº 5, Riberalta, Bolivia. 
  • Ohsawa, M., Werger, M.J.A. & Holzner, W. 2003. Makoto Numata (27 November 1917 – 30 December 2001). Plant Ecology 163:5-7.
  • Pena-Claros, M. 2003. Changes in forest structure and species composition during secondary forest succession in the Bolivian Amazon. Biotropica 35: 450-461. [pdf 224kb]
  • Peres, C.A., Baider, C., Zuidema, P.A., Wadt, L.H.O., Kainer, K.A., Gomes-Silva, D.A.P., Salomão, R.P., Simões, L.L., Franciosi, E.R.N., Cornejo Valverde, F., Gribel, R., Shepard Jr., G.H., Kanashiro, M., Coventry, P., Yu, D.W., Watkinson, A.R., Freckleton, D.W. 2003. Demographic threats to the sustainability of Brazil nut exploitation. Science 302: 2112-2114.
  • Poorter, L. (Editor). 2003. Investigaciones ecológicas, forestales y socioeconómicas en el norte de la Amazonía Boliviana. Resúmenes de tesis 1995-1999, 143 Pág., PROMAB, Informe Técnico Nº 3, Riberalta, Bolivia..
  • Poorter, L., Arets, E.J.M.M. 2003. Light environment and tree strategies in a Bolivian tropical moist forest: an evaluation of the light partitioning hypothesis. Plant Ecology 166: 295-306.
  • Poorter, L., Bongers, F., Sterck, F.J., Woll, H. 2003. Architecture of 53 rain forest tree species differing in adult stature and shade tolerance. Ecology 84: 602-608.
  • Rheenen J. van, Boot, R., Zuidema, P.A., Werger, M.J.A., Ulloa, M., Weringa, N., Vos, V., Guardia, S. 2003. Regeneración natural de árboles maderables en un bosque aprovechado en la Amazonía Boliviana: resultados de estudios y implicaciones para manejo sostenible, 27 Pág., PROMAB, Informe Técnico Nº 6, Riberalta, Bolivia. 
  • Santibáñez, J. L., 2003, Evaluación de la cacería por castañeros, y su impacto sobre la fauna silvestre en una barraca castañera del norte de Bolivia - Santa rosa, río Manurimi, PROMAB, 39 Pág. Informe Técnico Nº 4, Riberalta, Bolivia. 
  • Siebel, H,, During, H.J., van Melick, H.M.H. 2003. Veranderingen aan de standaardlijst van de Nederlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen. Buxbaumiella 65: 29-34.
  • Slik, J.W.F., Poulsen, A.D., Ashton, P.S., Cannon, C.H., Eichhorn, K.A.O., Kartawinata,K., Lanniari, I., Nagamasu, H., Nakagawa, M., van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L., Payne, J., Purwaningsih, P., Saridan, A., Sidiyasa, K., Verburg, R.W., Webb, C.O., Wilkie, P. 2003. A floristic analysis of the lowland dipterocarp forests of Borneo. Journal of Biogeography 30: 1517–153
  • Soons, M.B. 2003. Habitat fragmentation and connectivity: Spatial and temporal characteristics of the colonization process in plants. Dissertation Utrecht University, 129 pp.
  • Sterck, F.J., Bongers, F, During, H.J., Martínez-Ramos, M., de Kroon, H. 2003. Module responses in a tropical forest tree analyzed with a matrix model. Ecology 84: 2751-2761. [pdf 170kb]
  • Sterck, F.J., Martinez-Ramos, M., Dyer-Leal, G., Poorter, L. 2003. The consequences of crown traits for tree growth and survival of tree saplings in a Mexican lowland rainforest. Functional Ecology 17: 194-200.
  • ter Steege, H. (ed.) 2003. Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity: Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Tropenbos Series 22. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 215 pp.
  • ter Steege, H. 2003. Introduction. Pp. 5-18 in: ter Steege, H. (ed.) Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity: Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Tropenbos Series 22. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • ter Steege, H., Laumans, B., Laumans-Bus, D., Zondervan, G. & Bongers, F. 2003. Long-term effect of timber harvesting in north Suriname. Pp. 79-94 in: ter Steege, H. (ed.) Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity: Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Tropenbos Series 22. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • ter Steege, H., Pitman , N.C.A., Sabatier, S., Castellanos, H., van der Hout, P., Daly, D.C., Silveira, M., Phillips, O., Vasquez, R. van Andel, T., Duivenvoorden, J., de Oliveira, A.A., Ek, R.C., Lilwah, R., Thomas, R.A., Trigo Boix, N., Chimal Hernandez, A., Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Verduyn, B. 2003. Classification and mapping of the vegetation using field observations and remote sensing. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 19-48. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • ter Steege, H., Welch, I. & Zagt, R. 2003. Long-term effect of timber
  • harvesting in the Bartica Triangle - central Guyana. Pp. 135-155 in: ter
  • Steege, H. (ed.) Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity: Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Tropenbos Series 22. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • van Essen, J., Baider, C., Maas, P.J.M., Mori, S.A., Terborgh J.,
  • Nuñez-Vargas, P Mogollón, H. & Morawetz, W. 2003. A spatial model of tree -diversity and -density for the Amazon Region. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 2255-2276.
  • Velazquez, A. Romero, F.J., Rangel-Cordero, H. & Heil, G.W. 2003. Effects of fragmentation on the mammalian assemblage at the Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes, Mexico. In: Heil, G.W., Bobbink, R. & Trigo Boix, N. (eds.), Ecology and man in Mexico’s Central Volcanoes area. pp. 103-123. Kluwer Academic Publ., The Hague.
  • Verburg, R.,van Eijk-Bos, C. 2003. Temporal changes in species diversity, composition, and plant functional types after logging in a Bornean rain forest. In: Ter Steege, H. (ed.), Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity. Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Pp. 117-133. Tropenbos Series 22, Tropenbos International.
  • Verburg, R.,van Eijk-Bos, C. 2003. The effects of selective logging on tree species diversity, tree composition, and plant functional types in a Bornean rainforest. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 99-110.
  • Verburg, R., Schieving, F. 2003. A mathematical framework for the Intermediate Disturbance – and Dynamic Equilibrium Hypotheses. In: Ter Steege, H. (ed.) Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity. Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Pp. 157-173. Tropenbos Series 22, Tropenbos International.
  • Verburg, R., ter Steege, H. & Zagt, R. 2003. Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity: synthesis and implications for management. Pp. 175-191 in: ter Steege, H. (ed.), Long-term changes in tropical tree diversity: Studies from the Guiana Shield, Africa, Borneo and Melanesia. Tropenbos Series 22. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • Willems, J.H., Blinova, I. & Tromp, K. 2003. Intraspecific variation in Orchid populations in two different climatic areas in Europe: Murmansk Region and The Netherlands. II . Population fitness. Journal Europäischer Orchideen 35: 327-342.
  • Willems, J.H. 2003. The significance of a small woodland glade for plant species conservation in The Netherlands. La Riserva Naturale di Torricchio Volume 11: 213-223. University of Camarino, Italy.
  • Zagt, R.J. 2003. Going back to the root. Nature 421:20-21.
  • Zeng, B. 2003. Aboveground biomass partitioning and leaf development of Chinese subtropical trees following pruning. Forest Ecology and Management 173: 135-144.
  • Zeng, B. 2003. Functional equilibrium between photosynthetic and aboveground non-photosynthetic structures of plants: evidence from a pruning experiment with three subtropical tree species. Acta Botanica Sinica 45: 152-157.
  • Zeng, B., Werger, M.J.A. & Zhong, Z.C. 2003. Leaf efficiency and its role in the growth of two subtropical Ficus tree species following branch cutting. Acta Ecologica Sinica 23: 471-479.
  • Zuidema, P.A. 2003. Ecology and management of the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa). PROMAB Scientific Series 6. PROMAB, Riberalta, Bolivia. 112 pp.
  • Zuidema, P.A. 2003. Ecología y manejo del árbol de Castaña (Bertholletia excelsa). PROMAB Serie Científica 6. PROMA, Riberalta, Bolivia. 118 pp.
  • Zuidema, P.A., Gerritsma, W., Mommer, L. & Leffelaar, P.A. 2003. A physiological production model for cacao: Model description and technical program manual of CASE2 version 2.2. Dept. of Plant Sciences, Wageningen Univ. 91 pp.
  • Zuidema, P.A., Sayer, J.A. 2003. Tropical forests in multi-functional landscapes: the need for new approaches to conservation and research. In: Zuidema, P.A., (ed.), Tropical forests in multi-functional landscapes. 9-19. Utrecht, Prince Bernhard Centre for International Nature Conservation, Utrecht University.
  • Zuidema, P.A. (ed). 2003. Tropical forests in multi-functional landscapes. Proceedings, Prince Bernhard Centre for International Nature Conservation, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. 73 pp.

Symposium abstracts 

  • Antheunisse, A.M., R. Loeb & M. Miletto 2003 Nutrients, water chemistry and sulphate reducers in floodplain areas. Proceedings of the 2nd National Scientific Soil Symposium, BodemDiep
  • Pijnappel H., Bontes B., Geurts J., 2003. Resetting the natural (eco-)hydrological regime of fen wetlands in the Netherlands. In: Kotowski W., Oswiecimska-Piasko Z., Sobocinski (eds.), 2003. Towards natural flood reduction strategies. The Warsaw conference of Ecoflood, 6-13 September 2003
  • Pijnappel H., 2003. Restoration and conservation of fen wetlands in the Netherlands. In: Kotowski W., Oswiecimska-Piasko Z., Sobocinski (eds.), 2003. Towards natural flood reduction strategies. The Warsaw conference of Ecoflood, 6-13 September 2003
  • Antheunisse, A.M., 2003. Biogeochemical variables controlling the establishment and development of biodiverse riverine vegetation types. Eighth International Symposium on
  • Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Gent, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Dorland, E., Bobbink, R., 2003. Liming can improve the success of sod cutting as a restoration measure of degraded species-rich wet heaths. Eighth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Gent, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Dorland, E., Bobbink, R., 2003. Restoring plant species diversity in degraded wet heaths by catchment liming. Eighth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Gent, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Ławniczak A.E., 2003. Biomass production and nutrient dynamics of emergent macrophytes in the littoral zone of Niepruszewskie lake. Eighth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Gent, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Paulissen, M., Van der Ven, P., Bobbink, R., Verhoeven, J., 2003. Rapid expansion of Sphagnum and Polytrichum moss in Dutch base-rich fens: does high ammonium deposition play a role? Eighth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Gent, 14-17 September 2003.
  • Sollie S., 2003. Effects of water level fluctuations on biogeochemical processes in littoral zones of shallow lakes. Eighth International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Gent, 14-17 September 2003.