Publications 2002

International, peer-reviewed publications 

  • Alder, D., Oavika, F., Sanchez, M., Silva, J.N.M., van der Hout, P. & Wright, H.L. 2002. A comparison of species growth rates from four moist tropical regions using increment-size ordination. International Forestry Review 4: 196-205.
  • Anten, N.P.R. 2002. Evolutionarily stable leaf area production in plant populations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 217: 15-32.
  • Beltman,B, Dorland, E & Van Vliet, S. (2002) The role of a bufferzone on the species composition and nutrient status of fens in Ireland: A case study in Scragh Bog, Co. Westmeath. Irish Naturalists’ Journal 27 (1), 19-32.
  • Bobbink, R., Ashmore, M., Braun, S., Flückiger, W., & Van den Wyngaert, I. J. J. (2002). Empirical nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems: 2002 update. pp 1-123. BUWAL, Bern.
  • Bobbink, R. & Lamers, L. P. M. (2002). Effects of increased nitrogen deposition. In: Bell, J.N.B. & Treshow, M. (eds) Air pollution and plant life  John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 201-235..
  • Bobbink. R. & Dorland, E. (2002). Herstel van biodiversiteit in heischrale milieus. Natuur en Techniek. 70 (3), 58.
  • Brouwer,E., Bobbink, R., & Roelofs, J. G. M. (2002). Restoration of aquatic macrophyte vegetation in acidified and eutrophied softwater lakes: an overview. Aquatic Botany 73, 405-431.
  • Burt T. P., Pinay G., Matheson F. E., Haycock N. E., Butturini A., Clement J. C., Danielescu S., Dowrick D., Hefting M. M., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., & Maitre, V. (2002) Water table fluctuations in the riparian zone: comparative results from a pan-European experiment. Journal of Hydrology 265: 129-148.
  • Dong, M., During, H.J. & Werger, M.J.A. 2002. Root and shoot plasticity of the stoloniferous herb Ajuga reptans L. planted in a heterogeneous environment.Flora 197: 37-46.
  • Dorland, E. and Willems, J.H. 2002. Light climate and plant performance of Ophrys insectifera; a four-year field experiment in The Netherlands (1998-2001). In: Kindlmann, P., Willems, J.H. and Whigham, D.F. (eds), Trends and fluctuations and underlying mechanisms in terrestrial orchid populations. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 225-238.
  • During, H.J. & van Tooren, B.F. 2002. Effecten van veranderingen in beheer op de moslaag van de Kunderberg. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 91: 217-221.
  • Goubitz, S., Werger, M.J.A., Shmida, A. & Ne'eman, G. 2002. Cone abortion in Pinus halepensis: the role of pollen quantity, tree size and cone location. Oikos 97: 125-133.
  • Güsewell, S. and Koerselman, W., 2002. Variation in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of wetland plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 5, 37-61.
  • Güsewell,S., Koerselman,W., and Verhoeven, J.T.A., 2002. Time-dependent effects of fertilisation on the vegetation of floating fens. Journal of Vegetation Science, 13:705-718.
  • Kindlmann, P., Willems, J.H. and Whigham, D.F. (eds). 2002. Trends and fluctuations and underlying mechanisms in terrestrial orchid populations. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
  • Louman, B., Campos, J.J., Schmidt, S., Zagt, R.J., Haripersaud, P.P. 2002. Los procesos nacionales de certificación forestal y su relación con la investigación forestal. Revista Forestal Centroamericana 37: 41-46.
  • Lucassen, E.C.H.E.T., Bobbink, R., Smolders, A.J.P. Van der Ven, P.J.M., Lamers, L.P.M., & Roelofs, J.G.M. (2002). Interactive effects of low pH and high ammonium levels responsible for the decline of Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill. Plant Ecology 165, 45-52.
  • Meuleman,A.F.M., Beekman,J.P.H., and Verhoeven,J.T.A., 2002. Nutrient retention and nutrient-use efficiency in Phragmites australis stands after wastewater application. Wetlands, 22:712-721.
  • Peña-Claros, M. & de Boo, H. 2002. The effect of forest succionsal stage on seed removal of tropical rain forest tree species. Journal of Tropical Ecology 18: 261-274.
  • Peña-Claros M., Boot, R.G.A., Dorado-Lora, J. & Zonta, A. 2002. Enrichment planting of Bertholletia excelsa in secondary forest in the Bolivian Amazon: effect of cutting line width on survival, growth and crown traits. Forest Eology and Management 161: 159 - 168.
  • Perreijn, C.E. 2002. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by leguminous trees in tropical rain forest in Guyana. 159 pp. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Utrecht. ISBN 90-5113-060-0.
  • Roelofs, J.G.M., Brouwer, E. & Bobbink, R. (2002). Restoration of aquatic macrophyte vegetation in acidified and eutrophicated shallow soft water wetlands in the Netherlands. Hydrobiologia 478, 171-180.
  • Slik, J.W.F., Verburg, R.W., Kessler, P.J.A. 2002. Effects of fire and selective logging on the tree species composition of lowland dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversity and Conservation 11:85-98.
  • Soons, M.B. & Heil, G.W. 2002. Reduced colonization capacity in fragmented populations of wind-dispersed grassland forbs. Journal of Ecology 90: 1033-1043.
  • Stuefer, J.F., van Hulzen, H. & During, H.J. 2002. A genotypic trade-off between the number and size of clonal offspring in the stoloniferous herb Potentilla reptans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 880-884.
  • Stuefer, J.F., Erschbamer, B., Huber, H. & Suzuki, J.I. 2002. The ecology and evolutionary biology of clonal plants: An introduction to the proceedings of Clone_2000. In: Stuefer, J.F., Erschbamer, B., Huber, H. & Suzuki, J.I. (eds.), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Clonal Plants. Proceedings of Clone 2000, an International Workshop held in Obergurgl, Austria, 20-25 August 2000. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.5-18.
  • Stuefer, J.F., Erschbamer, B., Huber, H. & Suzuki, J.I. (eds.). 2002. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Clonal Plants. Proceedings of Clone 2000, an International Workshop held in Obergurgl, Austria, 20-25 August 2000. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp.288. ISBN 1-4020-0680-2.
  • ter Steege, H., Welch, I. & Zagt R.J. 2002. Long-term effect of timber harvesting in the Bartica Triangle - Central Guyana. Forest Ecology and Management 170: 127-144.
  • ter Steege, H. & Zagt, R. 2002. Density and diversity. Nature 417: 698-699.
  • van der Hout, P. 2002. Code of Practice for Timber Harvesting, Guyana Forestry Commission, Govt of Guyana. Georgetown. November 2002.
  • van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L. 2002. Trial by fire. Postfire development of a tropical dipterocarp forest. 144 pp. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Utrecht. ISBN 90-393-3002-6.
  • van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L. 2002. Post-fire development of tropical dipterocarp forest. Tropenbos International Newsletter. 27: 11. 
  • van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L., Kartawinata, K. & Sheil, D. 2002. Konsekuensi ekologis pembalakan dalam kawasan hutan yang terbakar di Kalimantan Timur. Jurnal Hutan Indonesia (Indonesia Forest Journal). Edisi Perdana Agustus (August): 1-4. (in Indonesian).
  • Verschoor, B.C., Pronk, T.E., de Goede, R.G.M. & Brussaard, L. 2002. Could plant-feeding nematodes affect the competition between grass species during succession in grasslands under restoration management? Journal of Ecology 90. 753-761.
  • Wallis DeVries, M.F., Poschlod, P. & Willems, J.H. 2002. Challenges for the conservation of calcareous grasslands in northwestern Europe: integrating the requirements of flora and fauna. Biological Conservation 104: 265-273.
  • Werger, M.J.A. 2002. Victor Westhoff (1916-2001). Plant Ecology 158: 1-3.
  • Werger, M.J.A. & Linskens, H.F. 2002. Levensbericht Victor Westhoff 12 november 1916 - 12 maart 2001. Levensberichten en Herdenkingen 2002, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 2002: 121-132.
  • Werger, M.J.A., Hirose, T., During, H.J., Heil, G.W., Hikosaka, K., Ito, T., Nachinshonhor, U.G., Nagamatsu, D., Shibasaki, K., Takatsuki, S., van Rheenen, J.W. & Anten, N.P.R. 2002. Light partitioning among species and species replacement in early successional grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 615-626.
  • Willems, J.H. 2002. On the relation between vegetative and generative reproduction in Spiranthes spiralis. Eurorchis 14: 9-15.
  • Willems, J.H. 2002. A founder population of Orchis simia in The Netherlands: a 30-year struggle for survival. In: Kindlmann, P.,
  • Willems, J.H. & Whigham, D.F. (eds), Trends and fluctuations and underlying mechanisms in terrestrial orchid populations. pp. 23-32. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden
  • P.A.Zuidema & R.G.A. Boot. 2002. Demography of the Brazil nut tree (Bertholletioa excelsa) in the Bolivian Amazon: impact of seed extration on recruitment and population dynamics. Journal of Tropical Ecology 18: 1-31.
  • P.A. Zuidema & P.A. Leffelaar. 2002. A physiological production model for cacao: user's manual for CASE2 version 2.2 under FSE Windows. Report. Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University, the Netherlands. 91 pp. 

Abstracts and Other

  • Productos no maderables: Una Evaluación del Impacto del aprovechamiento en la disponibilidad futura de los recursos forestales no maderables y los factores influyentes - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - R.Boot, P.A. Zuidema - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 15
  • Dinámica de Crecimiento diametrico en especies tropicales arboreas y uso de anillos anuales de crecimiento - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - R.Brienen - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 19 
  • Tranquilidad y sufrimiento en el bosque: los medios de vida y las percepciones de los cambas en el norte de la amazonia boliviana - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - A.B.
  • Henkemans - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 42
  • Disertación sobre criterios usados en la determinación de los diametros mínimos de corta DMC - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - J. Leigue - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 46 
  • Determinación del volumen potencial de madera residual en un sistema de aprovechamiento industrial en la región norte de Bolivia - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - S. Murakami, J. Leihue, R.Boot & O. Llanque - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 60 
  • Procesos que influyen en la regeneración de especies arbóreas en bosques secundarios de la amazonía boliviana - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - M. Peña - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 72 
  • Respuestas en el crecimiento de los plantines a su ambiente: Implicaciones para el manejo de bosque- Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - L. Poortes - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 77 
  • El nexo rural - urbano del extractivism en la amaonía boliviana - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - D. Stoian - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 95 
  • Germinación y sobrevivencia de especies de arboles comerciales en diversos sitios despues de su aprovechamiento - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - J. van Rheenen & M. Ulloa - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 105
  • Demografia y explotación de castaña (Bertholletia excelsa), Asai (Euterpe precatoria) y Jatata (Geonoma deversa) en el norte amazónico de Bolivia - Primera reunión nacional sobre investigación forestal: Avances y perspectivas para la investigación forestal en Bolivia - M. Peña - D. Nash - BOLFOR - Santa Cruz - 2002 - p. 110 
  • Photosynthetic acclimation of an evergreen understory plant, Aucuba japonica, to seasonal environment in different light regimes - Proceedings of the VIII INTECOL International Congres of Ecology - Muller, O, K.Hikosaka, T.Hirose & M.J.A.Werger - 2002 - p190
  • Photosynthetic acclimation of an evergreen understory plant, Aucuba japonica, to seasonal environment in different light regimes - The 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan - Onno Mulller, Kouki Hikosaka, and Tadaki Hirose-
  • 2002 - p153
  • H.J. During. Sommige mossen gaan ondergronds. bijdrage op website 'Kennislink' van de stichting WeTeN via het Expertise Centrum Biologie. website:
  • Janssen, R., Goossen, H., Verhoeven, M., & Verhoeven, J. T. A. (2002) "Decision support for integrated wetland management", Proceedings of the international conference on Policies and tools for sustainable water management in the EU.Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Venezia.
  • Antheunisse, M., R.Loeb, J.T.A. Verhoeven & L.Lamers (2002) The effect of biogeochemical processes on development of nature in floodplain areas: a field survey, interactions between soil, river water and vegetation. In (R.Leuven, ed.): Proceedings NCR-days 2002
  • Bobbink, R., De Graaf, M.C.C., Robat, S.A., Roelofs, J.G.M. &  Verbeek, P.J.M. (2002).  Long-term perspectives for the restoration of plant diversity in degraded heaths and acidic grasslands. 3rd European Conference on Ecological Restoration - Challenges of the new millennium – our joint responsibility. Budapest, Hungary.
  • Dorland, E. & Bobbink, R. (2002). Toxic ammonium concentrations: a serious constraint to the restoration of plant diversity in wet heaths. 3rd European conference on Ecological Restoration - Challenges of the new millennium – our joint responsibility. Budapest, Hungary.
  • Nohara, S., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Whigham, D.F. (2002) Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in  peatlands in Japan. Abstract SWS Conference: “Wetland Restoration – Adressing Asian Issues through International Collaboration”.
  • Wassen, M. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2002) Up-scaling, interpolation and extrapolation of biogeochemical and ecological processes. Seminar “Upscaling and downscaling in Landscape Ecology; WLO 13 June 2002.
  • Hefting, M.M. & Bobbink, R. (2002) Spatio-temporal variation in denitrification and nitrous oxide emissions in riparian buffer zones. Third International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Scientific Understanding, Control Options and Policy Aspects (NCGG-3), Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Professional publications

  • Dorland, E., Bobbink, R. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (2002). Bekalking inzijggebied helpt herstel natte heiden Vakblad Natuurbeheer, 41(1), 10-12.
  • Dorland, E., Vergeer, Ph. &  Bobbink, R. (2002). Herintroductie van planten: bezint eer ge begint. Vakblad Natuurbeheer, 41(7), 115-116.
  • Olde Venterink, H., R. Van Diggelen, J. Van den Burg & J.T.A.Verhoeven (2002) Moerassen langs de Hunze voor een Helder Zuidlaardermeer; een Studie naar de Mogelijkheden van Natuurlijke Waterzuivering.. Laboratorium voor Plantenoecologie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / Geobiologie, Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2002). Natte natuur in een schoon landschap. De ecologische functies van wetlands. Oratie Universiteit Utrecht, pp. 1- 42.