Publications 2001

International, peer-reviewed publications

  • Anten, N.P.R. & Ackerly, D.D. 2001. Canopy level compensatory photosynthesis in partially defoliated plants of a tropical understorey palm species. Functional Ecology  15: 152-162.
  • Anten, N.P.R. & Ackerly, D.D. 2001. A new method of growth analysis for plants that experience periodic losses of leaf mass. Functional Ecology 15: 804-811.
  • Anten, N.P.R. & Hirose, T. 2001. Limitations on photosynthesis of competing individual plants and consequences for whole-stand canopy structure. Oecologia  129: 186-196.
  • Beltman, B, Van den Broek, T, Barendregt, A, Bootsma, M.C. & A.P. Grootjans (2001): Rehabilitation of acidified and eutrophied fens in the Netherlands: Effects of hydrologic manipulation and liming. Ecological Engineering 17: 21-31.
  • Chirara, C. 2001. Tree invasion in a semi-arid savanna in Zimbabwe – seedling recruitment of Acacia karroo. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
  • Cornelissen, J.H.C., Aerts, R., Cerabolini, B., Werger, M.J.A. & van der Heijden, M.G.A. 2001. Carbon cycling traits of plant species are linked with mycorrhizal strategy. Oecologia 129: 611-619.
  • De Kovel, C.G.F. 2001.The significance of sexual reproduction for local adaptation in Taraxacum. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.            
  • E.Dorland, R. Bobbink en J.G.M. Roelofs (2001): Overleving van Valkruid na herintroductie. Vakblad Natuurbeheer 7: 137-139.
  • During, H.J. 2001. Diaspore banks. The Bryologist 104: 92-97.
  • During, H.J. 2001. On the role of branching patterns in the density-dependent growth of pleurocarpous chalk grassland mosses. In: Botany 2001. Plants and people. Annual meeting of the ABLS / Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque.
  • During, H.J. & F. Lloret 2001. The species-pool hypothesis from a  bryo­logical perspective. Folia Geobotanica 36: 63-70.
  • During,  H.J. & H. Rutjes 2001. Willem  Daniel  Margadant  (1916-1997). Lindbergia 26: 57-61.
  • During, H.J. & B. van Tooren 2001. Kussentjesmos. Natura 2001: 44-46. 
  • Goubitz, S. 2001. Reproduction ecology of Pinus halepensis – a monoecious, wind-pollinated and partially serotinous Mediterranean pine tree. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
  • Guo, K., Li, R. & Werger, M.J.A. 2001. Effect of acorn burying depth on germination, seedling emergence and development of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata. Acta Botanica Sinica 43: 974-978.
  • Hayashida-Oliver, Y., Boot, R.G.A. & Poorter, L. 2001. Influencia de disponibilidad de agua y luz en el crecimiento de plantines de Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata y Bertholletia excelsa. Ecología en Bolivia 5: 51-60.
  • Heil, G.W. &  de Smidt, J.T. 2001. Cattle grazing improves diversity of heath communities (The Netherlands). Ecological Restoration 19: 46 - 48. 151 -160.
  • Huber, H. & H.J. During 2001. No long-term costs of meristem  allocation to flowering in stoloniferous Trifolium species. Evolutionary Ecology 14: 731-748.
  • Jansen, P. & P.A. Zuidema, 2001. Logging , Seed Dispersal by Vertebrates, and Natural Regeneration of Tropical Timber Trees. In: Fimbel, R.A., J. G. Robinson & A. Grajal (eds). The Cutting Edge: Conserving Wildlife in Logged Tropical Forests. pp. 35-59. Columbia University Press, NY.
  • Ne'eman, G. & Goubitz, S. 2001. Phenology of east Mediterranean vegetation. In: Trabaud L. (ed.). Life and Environment in the Mediterranean, Advances in Ecological Sciences Vol. 3. Pp. 155-202. Witpress Southampton, Boston.
  • Olde Venterink, H., Wassen, M.J., Belgers, J.D.M. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2001): Control of environmental variables on species density in fens and meadows; importance of direct effects and effects through community biomass. Journal of Ecology 89: 1033-1040.
  • Peña Claros, M. 2001.  Secondary forest succession – Processes affecting the regeneration of Bolivian tree species. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
  • Peña Claros, M., Boot, R.G.A., Dorado- Loda, J. & Zonta, A. 2001. Enrichment planting of Bertholletia excelsa in secondary forest in the Bolivian Amazon: effects of cutting line width on survival, growth and crown traits. Forest Ecology and Management 48: 217-234.
  • Poorter, L. 2001. Light-dependent changes in allocation and their effects on the growth of rain forest tree species. Functional Ecology 15: 113-123 5-76
  • Poorter, L., R..G.A. Boot, Y. Hayashida-Oliver, J. Leigue-Gomez, M. Peña-Claros & P.A. Zuidema, 2001. Dinámica de especies arbóreas en un bosque húmedo tropical en el norte de la Amazonía boliviana. In: B. Mostacedo, T. Fredericksen.Regeneración y Silvicultura de Bosques Tropicales en Bolivia, pp. 55-76.  BOLFOR, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
  • Roels, B., Donders, S., Werger, M.J.A. & Dong, M. 2001. Relation of wind-induced sand displacement to plant biomass and plant sand-binding capacity. Acta Botanica Sinica 43: 979-982.
  • Scheffer, R.A., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Van Logtestijn, R.S.P. (2001): Decomposition of Carex and Sphagnum litter in two fens differing in dominant plant species. Oikos 92: 44-54.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2001): Ecosystem restoration for plant diversity conservation. Ecological Engineering 17: 1-2.
  • ter Steege, H. & Hammond, D.S. 2001. Character convergence, diversity, and disturbance in tropical rain forest in Guyana. Ecology 82: 3197-3212.
  • ter Steege, H. & Hammond, D.S. 2001. Species enumerated in the National Forest Inventory of Guyana and their characteristics. Ecological Archives E082-037-A1.
  • ter Steege, H. 2001. Striving for a National Protected Areas System in  Guyana. Flora of the Guianas Newsletter 22: 65-66.
  • van der Velde, M., H.J. During, L. van der Zande & R. Bijlsma 2001.  The reproductive biology of Polytrichum formosum: clonal structure and paternity revealed by microsatellites. Molecular Ecology 10: 2423-2434.
  • van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L., D. Sheil & K. Kartawinata 2001. The ecological consequences of logging in the burned forests of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Cons. Biol 15(4): 1183-1186
  • Verburg, R. 2001. The impact of logging on the tree community of a Bornean rainforest. In: Zotz, G. & Körner, Ch. (eds). The functional Importance of Biodiversity. Verhandlungen der Geselschaft für Ökologie 31:168-169.
  • Verburg, R., Slik, F., Heil, G., Roos, M. & Baas, P. 2001. Secondary forest succession of rainforests in East Kalimantan: a preliminary data analysis. In: Hillegers, P.J.M. & de Iongh, H.H. (eds). The balance between biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of tropical rain forest, pp 151-160. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  • Velazquez, A., Romero, M.F.J., Rangel-Cordero,H. & Heil, G.W. 2001. Effects of landscape changes on mammalian assemblages at Izta-PopoVolcanoes, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation 10: 1059 - 1075.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A., Whigham, D.F., Van Logtestijn, R. & O'Neill, J. (2001): A comparative study of nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in tidal and non-tidal riverine wetlands. Wetlands 21: 210-222.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Bobbink, R. (2001): Plant diversity of fen landscapes in The Netherlands. In: Gopal, B., Junk, W.J. & Davis, J.A. (eds.) Biodiversity in wetlands: assessment, function and conservation, pp. 65-87, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. 
  • Willems, J.H., Balounova, Z. & Kindlmann, P. 2001. The effect of experimental shading on seed production and plant survival of Spiranthes spiralis. Lindleyana 16: 31-37.
  • Willems, J.H.  2001. Problems, approaches and results in restoration of Dutch calcareous grasslands during the last 30 years. Restoration Ecology 9: 147-154.
  • Zuidema, P.A. & M. Franco, 2001. Integrating vital rate variability into perturbation analysis: an evaluation for matrix population models of six plant species. Journal of Ecology 89: 995-1005.
  • Zuidema, P.A. & P.A. Leffelaar, 2001. A physiological production model for cacao: Results of model simulations. Plant Production Systems group, Wageningen University. 98 pp.
  • Poorter, L., Boot, R.G.A., Hayashida, Y., Leigue, J., Peña, M. & Zuidema, P. 2001. Estructura y dinámica de un bosque húmedo tropical en el norte de la Amazonía boliviana. PROMAB Informe Tecnico 2. Riberalta, Bolivia. Pp 53.
  • ter Steege, H. 2001. Database development for the GFC herbarium. Consultancy Report prepared for Guyana Forestry Commission.
  • ter Steege, H. 2001. Mapping Forest and Vegetation of Guyana at Regional and National Level. Consultancy Report prepared for Guyana Forestry Commission (including 1:1,000,000 vegetation map of Guyana and 1:250,000 digital vegetation maps of State Forest Lands)
  • van Staalduinen, M.A. 2001. Toetsing van ecologische modellen. Wat draagt NUCOM bij aan de prognose van klimaateffecten op de vegetatie? Landschap 17: 193-196
  • Zeng, B. 2001. Pruning Chinese Trees – An experimental and modelling approach. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.  

Symposium abstracts

  • Paulissen, M., Bobbink, R. & Verhoeven, J.T.A.: Rapid expansion of Sphagnum and Polytrichum in Dutch floating fens: causes and mechanisms Abstract International Symposium Society of wetland Scientists & British Ecological Society, Sheffield, UK, September 2001.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A. Nutrient enrichment of wetlands. Keynote Lecture Abstract, International Symposium Society of wetland Scientists & British Ecological Society, Sheffield, UK, September 2001

Professional publications

  • B.Beltman & A. Barendregt. (2001): Jaarverslag 2001. De OBN-objekten met natte schraallanden in Ilperveld & Vechtstreek. Rapport in opdracht van EC-LNV 31pp.
  • E. Dorland (2001): Effect van hervat hakhoutbeheer op het bloeisucces van de Vliegenorchis (Ophrys insectifera). Vervolgstudie in het vierde jaar na invoering van hakhoutbeheer op de Laamhei in het Gerendal, Zuid-Limburg. Staatbosbeheer. p.36.
  • E. Dorland en R. Bobbink (2001): Rehabilitation of hot spots of diversity in wet heaths and matgrass swards. Stimulation Program Biodiversity. Issue 4, October 2001, pp.5-6.
  • Lamers, L., Klinge, M, en Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2001): OBN Preadvies Laagveenwateren. Expertisecentrum LNV, Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij, Wageningen. 131 pp.
  • Van den Broek, T & Beltman, B. (2001): Natuurontwikkeling in het Noorderpark. 5 jaar monitor onderzoek in nieuw gegraven petgaten. Publ. Fac. Biol. in opdracht van Dienst Landelijk Gebied, Staatsbosbeheer en Natuurmonumenten. 63pp .
  • Grootjans, A.P., S.K. Verbeek, E.B. Adema, A.C.J. Boerwinkel, P. Vrieklink, G.J. Baaijens, M.Bakker, B.Beltman, A.C. Zuidhoff, R.H. Kemmers. (2001): Bevloeiing als beheersmaatregel. Mogelijkheden voor herstel van verzuurde en verdroogde graslanden. OBN-rapport uitg. EC-LNV Wageningen 55pp.