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Beltman, B, Van den Broek, T, Barendregt, A, Bootsma, M.C. & A.P. Grootjans (2001): Rehabilitation of acidified and eutrophied fens in the Netherlands: Effects of hydrologic manipulation and liming. Ecological Engineering 17: 21-31.
Chirara, C. 2001. Tree invasion in a semi-arid savanna in Zimbabwe – seedling recruitment of Acacia karroo. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
Cornelissen, J.H.C., Aerts, R., Cerabolini, B., Werger, M.J.A. & van der Heijden, M.G.A. 2001. Carbon cycling traits of plant species are linked with mycorrhizal strategy. Oecologia 129: 611-619.
De Kovel, C.G.F. 2001.The significance of sexual reproduction for local adaptation in Taraxacum. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
E.Dorland, R. Bobbink en J.G.M. Roelofs (2001): Overleving van Valkruid na herintroductie. Vakblad Natuurbeheer 7: 137-139.
During, H.J. 2001. Diaspore banks. The Bryologist 104: 92-97.
During, H.J. 2001. On the role of branching patterns in the density-dependent growth of pleurocarpous chalk grassland mosses. In: Botany 2001. Plants and people. Annual meeting of the ABLS / Botanical Society of America, Albuquerque.
During, H.J. & F. Lloret 2001. The species-pool hypothesis from a bryological perspective. Folia Geobotanica 36: 63-70.
During, H.J. & H. Rutjes 2001. Willem Daniel Margadant (1916-1997). Lindbergia 26: 57-61.
During, H.J. & B. van Tooren 2001. Kussentjesmos. Natura 2001: 44-46.
Goubitz, S. 2001. Reproduction ecology of Pinus halepensis – a monoecious, wind-pollinated and partially serotinous Mediterranean pine tree. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
Guo, K., Li, R. & Werger, M.J.A. 2001. Effect of acorn burying depth on germination, seedling emergence and development of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata. Acta Botanica Sinica 43: 974-978.
Hayashida-Oliver, Y., Boot, R.G.A. & Poorter, L. 2001. Influencia de disponibilidad de agua y luz en el crecimiento de plantines de Swietenia macrophylla, Cedrela odorata y Bertholletia excelsa. Ecología en Bolivia 5: 51-60.
Heil, G.W. & de Smidt, J.T. 2001. Cattle grazing improves diversity of heath communities (The Netherlands). Ecological Restoration 19: 46 - 48. 151 -160.
Huber, H. & H.J. During 2001. No long-term costs of meristem allocation to flowering in stoloniferous Trifolium species. Evolutionary Ecology 14: 731-748.
Jansen, P. & P.A. Zuidema, 2001. Logging , Seed Dispersal by Vertebrates, and Natural Regeneration of Tropical Timber Trees. In: Fimbel, R.A., J. G. Robinson & A. Grajal (eds). The Cutting Edge: Conserving Wildlife in Logged Tropical Forests. pp. 35-59. Columbia University Press, NY.
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Olde Venterink, H., Wassen, M.J., Belgers, J.D.M. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2001): Control of environmental variables on species density in fens and meadows; importance of direct effects and effects through community biomass. Journal of Ecology 89: 1033-1040.
Peña Claros, M. 2001. Secondary forest succession – Processes affecting the regeneration of Bolivian tree species. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
Peña Claros, M., Boot, R.G.A., Dorado- Loda, J. & Zonta, A. 2001. Enrichment planting of Bertholletia excelsa in secondary forest in the Bolivian Amazon: effects of cutting line width on survival, growth and crown traits. Forest Ecology and Management 48: 217-234.
Poorter, L. 2001. Light-dependent changes in allocation and their effects on the growth of rain forest tree species. Functional Ecology 15: 113-123 5-76
Poorter, L., R..G.A. Boot, Y. Hayashida-Oliver, J. Leigue-Gomez, M. Peña-Claros & P.A. Zuidema, 2001. Dinámica de especies arbóreas en un bosque húmedo tropical en el norte de la Amazonía boliviana. In: B. Mostacedo, T. Fredericksen.Regeneración y Silvicultura de Bosques Tropicales en Bolivia, pp. 55-76. BOLFOR, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
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van der Velde, M., H.J. During, L. van der Zande & R. Bijlsma 2001. The reproductive biology of Polytrichum formosum: clonal structure and paternity revealed by microsatellites. Molecular Ecology 10: 2423-2434.
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Verhoeven, J.T.A., Whigham, D.F., Van Logtestijn, R. & O'Neill, J. (2001): A comparative study of nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in tidal and non-tidal riverine wetlands. Wetlands 21: 210-222.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Bobbink, R. (2001): Plant diversity of fen landscapes in The Netherlands. In: Gopal, B., Junk, W.J. & Davis, J.A. (eds.) Biodiversity in wetlands: assessment, function and conservation, pp. 65-87, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Willems, J.H., Balounova, Z. & Kindlmann, P. 2001. The effect of experimental shading on seed production and plant survival of Spiranthes spiralis. Lindleyana 16: 31-37.
Willems, J.H. 2001. Problems, approaches and results in restoration of Dutch calcareous grasslands during the last 30 years. Restoration Ecology 9: 147-154.
Zuidema, P.A. & M. Franco, 2001. Integrating vital rate variability into perturbation analysis: an evaluation for matrix population models of six plant species. Journal of Ecology 89: 995-1005.
Zuidema, P.A. & P.A. Leffelaar, 2001. A physiological production model for cacao: Results of model simulations. Plant Production Systems group, Wageningen University. 98 pp.
Poorter, L., Boot, R.G.A., Hayashida, Y., Leigue, J., Peña, M. & Zuidema, P. 2001. Estructura y dinámica de un bosque húmedo tropical en el norte de la Amazonía boliviana. PROMAB Informe Tecnico 2. Riberalta, Bolivia. Pp 53.
ter Steege, H. 2001. Database development for the GFC herbarium. Consultancy Report prepared for Guyana Forestry Commission.
ter Steege, H. 2001. Mapping Forest and Vegetation of Guyana at Regional and National Level. Consultancy Report prepared for Guyana Forestry Commission (including 1:1,000,000 vegetation map of Guyana and 1:250,000 digital vegetation maps of State Forest Lands)
van Staalduinen, M.A. 2001. Toetsing van ecologische modellen. Wat draagt NUCOM bij aan de prognose van klimaateffecten op de vegetatie? Landschap 17: 193-196
Zeng, B. 2001. Pruning Chinese Trees – An experimental and modelling approach. Ph.D. dissertation, Utrecht.
Symposium abstracts
Paulissen, M., Bobbink, R. & Verhoeven, J.T.A.: Rapid expansion of Sphagnum and Polytrichum in Dutch floating fens: causes and mechanisms Abstract International Symposium Society of wetland Scientists & British Ecological Society, Sheffield, UK, September 2001.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. Nutrient enrichment of wetlands. Keynote Lecture Abstract, International Symposium Society of wetland Scientists & British Ecological Society, Sheffield, UK, September 2001
Professional publications
B.Beltman & A. Barendregt. (2001): Jaarverslag 2001. De OBN-objekten met natte schraallanden in Ilperveld & Vechtstreek. Rapport in opdracht van EC-LNV 31pp.
E. Dorland (2001): Effect van hervat hakhoutbeheer op het bloeisucces van de Vliegenorchis (Ophrys insectifera). Vervolgstudie in het vierde jaar na invoering van hakhoutbeheer op de Laamhei in het Gerendal, Zuid-Limburg. Staatbosbeheer. p.36.
E. Dorland en R. Bobbink (2001): Rehabilitation of hot spots of diversity in wet heaths and matgrass swards. Stimulation Program Biodiversity. Issue 4, October 2001, pp.5-6.
Lamers, L., Klinge, M, en Verhoeven, J.T.A. (2001): OBN Preadvies Laagveenwateren. Expertisecentrum LNV, Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij, Wageningen. 131 pp.
Van den Broek, T & Beltman, B. (2001): Natuurontwikkeling in het Noorderpark. 5 jaar monitor onderzoek in nieuw gegraven petgaten. Publ. Fac. Biol. in opdracht van Dienst Landelijk Gebied, Staatsbosbeheer en Natuurmonumenten. 63pp .
Grootjans, A.P., S.K. Verbeek, E.B. Adema, A.C.J. Boerwinkel, P. Vrieklink, G.J. Baaijens, M.Bakker, B.Beltman, A.C. Zuidhoff, R.H. Kemmers. (2001): Bevloeiing als beheersmaatregel. Mogelijkheden voor herstel van verzuurde en verdroogde graslanden. OBN-rapport uitg. EC-LNV Wageningen 55pp.