Aerts, R. & De Caluwe, H. (1999). Nitrogen deposition effects on carbon dioxide and methane emissions from temperate peatland soils. Oikos 84: 44-54.
Aerts, R., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Whigham, D.F. (1999). Plant-mediated controls on nutrient cycling in temperate fens and bogs. Ecology 80: 2170-2181.
Aerts, R. & Bobbink, R. (1999). The impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on vegetation processes in non-forest ecosystems. In: Langan,S.J. (ed.) The impact of nitrogen deposition on natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 85-122.
Brinson, M.M. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1999). Riparian Forests. In: Hunt, M.L. (ed.) Maintaining Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems, pp. 265-299, Lewis Publishers, New York.
Brouwer, E., Bobbink, R., Soontiëns, J. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1999). Sulphate and bicarbonate as key factors in sediment degradation and lake restoration. Aquatic conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 9, 121-132.
Güsewell, S., Pfadenhauer, J. & van der Maarel, E. (1999). From basic to applied ecology - vegetation science for nature conservation: Introduction. Applied Vegetation Science 2:1-6.
Løkke, H., Bak, J., Bobbink, R., Bull, K., Chrast, R., Curtis, C., Falkengren-Grerup, U., Forsius, M., Gundersen, P., Hornung, M., Starr, M., Skjelkvåle, B.L. & Tybirk, K.(1999) Critical loads Copenhagen 1999. Conference report. UN/ECE Convention of Longe-range Transboundary Air Pollution, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, 37 pp.
Lucassen, E.C.H.E.T., Bobbink, R., Oonk,M.M.A., Branderud,T-E. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1999). The effects of liming and reacidification on the growth of Juncus bulbosus L.: a mesocosm experiment. Aquatic Botany 64, 95-103.
Perez Corona, M.E. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1999). Biomass allocation and phosphorus productivity of Carex species in relation to soil phosphorus status. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 47: 97-102.
Van der Peijl, M.J. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1999). A model for carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics and their interactions in river marginal wetlands. Ecological Modelling 118: 95-130.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1999). Wetland restoration and creation: consequences for nutrient-related processes. In: McComb, A.J. & Davis, J. (eds.) Wetlands for the future, pp. 503-516, Gleneagles Publishing, Adelaide.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Meuleman, A.F.M. (1999). Wetlands for water treatment: possibilities and limitations. Ecological Engineering 12: 5-12.
Professional publications
Beije, H.M, Bobbink, R., Holtland, J. & Klein, M.H.J. (1999). Onderzoeksvisie en onderzoekprogrammering 1999 - 2004 Overlevingsplan Bos en Natuur (OBN). IKC-Natuurbeheer/LNV, Wageningen, 38.
Bobbink, R. & Lamers, L.P.M. (1999). Effecten van stikstofhoudende luchtverontreiniging op vegetaties - een overzicht. Rapport R13 Technische Commissie Bodembescherming, Den Haag, 77 pp.
Charpentier A., Stuefer J.F. (1999). Functional specialization of ramets in Scirpus maritimus. Splitting the tasks of sexual reproduction, vegetative growth, and resource storage. Plant Ecology 141: 129-136
Cornelissen J.H.C. (1999). Growth and ecophysiology of tree seedlings in response to gaps in the subtropical broad-leaved evergreen forests of China. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 66-94
den Dubbelden K.C. (1999). On the adaptive growth strategy of climbing herbs. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 35-45
Dijkman W., Boot R.G.A., Zuidema P. (1999). Dynamics and sustainability of extraction of non-timber forest products. In: Ros-Tonen, M. (ed.), Seminar Proceedings Research on non-timber forest products, The Tropenbos Foundation/FAO, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 169-173
Dijkman W., Stoian D., Henkemans A.B., Assies W., Boot R.G.A. (1999). Temporal and spatial dynamicsin the extraction of non-timber forest products in the northern Bolivian Amazon. Tropenbos, Seminar Proceedings 'Research in tropical rain forests: its challenges for the future', 25-26 November 1997. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp. 149-158
Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.) (1999). A Spectrum of Ecological Studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. 246 pp.
Dong M. (1999). Resource use of clonal plantsinenvironmental improvement of ecotones. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 14-19
During H.J., Moyo C. (1999). The diaspore bank of bryophytes in a Zimbabwean savanna. Hausknechtia Beiheft 9, 111-114.
Fliervoet L.M. (1999). Management of dike grassland vegetation in The Netherlands. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 197-207
Guo K. (1999). Seedling performance of dominant tree species in Chinese beech forests. Dissertatie Utrecht, 120 pp.
Guo K., Werger M.J.A. (1999). Different responses to shade of evergreen and deciduous oak seedlings and the effect of acorn size. Acta Oecologica 20: 579-586
Hammond D.S., Brown, V.K., Zagt, R. (1999). Spatial and temporal patterns of seed attack and germination in a large-seeded neotropical tree species. Oecologia 119: 208-218
He B., Kang W., Zeng B. (1999). Influences of clear-cutting on microclimatic characteristics in Chinese fir plantations. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 111-115
Huber H., Lukacs S., Watson, M.A. (1999). Spatial structure of stoloniferous herbs: an interplay between structural blue-print, ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity. Plant Ecology 141: 107-115
Leeflang, L (1999). Are stoloniferous plants able to avoid neighbours in response to low R:FR ratios in reflected light? Plant Ecology 141: 59-65
Leeflang, L. (1999). The responses of petioles of Glechoma hederacea to a dynamic light climate.Plant Biology 1: 687-693
Li R. (1999). Advances in bamboo ecology. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecologicalstudies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 19-26
Li R., Werger M.J.A., During H.J., Zhong Z.C. (1999). Biomass distribution in a grove of the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens in Chongqing, China. Flora 194: 89-96.
Meuleman, A.F.M. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1999). De zuiveringsfunctie van moerassen. Landschap 16: 77-87.
Pechackova S., During H.J., Rydkova V., Herben T. (1999). Species-specific spatial pattern of below-ground plant parts in a montane grassland community. Journal of Ecology 87: 567-582
Peña Claros M., Zuidema P.A. (1999). Limitaciones demográficas para el aprovechamiento sostenible de Euterpe precatoria para producción de palmito: en dos tipos de bosque de Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia 33: 3-22
Poorter L. (1999). Growth responses of fifteen rain forest tree species to a light gradient; the relative importance of morphological and physiological traits. Functional Ecology 13: 396-410
Poorter L., Werger M.J.A. (1999). Light environment, sapling architecture and leaf display in six rain forest tree species. American Journal of Botany 86: 1464-1473
Schieving F., Poorter H. (1999). Carbon gain in a multispecies canopy: the role of specific leaf area and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency in the tragedy of the commons. New Phytologist 143: 201 - 211
Skalova H., Krahulec F., During H.J., Hadincova V., Pechackova S., Herben T. (1999). Grassland canopy composition and spatial heterogeneity in the light quality. Plant Ecology 143: 129-139
Stuefer J.F., Huber H. (1999). The role of stolon internodes for ramet survival after clone fragmentation in Potentilla anserina. Ecology Letters 2: 135-139
Suzuki J.I., Stuefer J.F. (1999). On the ecological and evolutionary significance of storage in clonal plants. Plant Species Biology 14: 11-17
ter Steege, H. (1999). The use of forest inventory data for a National Protected Area Strategy in Guyana. Biodiversity and Conservation 7: 1457-1483
Tomassen, H.B.M., Bobbink, R., Peters, C.H.J., Van der Ven, P.J.M. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1999). Kritische stikstofdepositie in heischrale graslanden, droge duingraslanden en hoogvenen. Rapport K.U.N./U.U., Nijmegen/Utrecht, 52 pp.
van Dam O., Rose R., Houter N., Hammond D.S., ter Steege H. (1999). The Pibiri Gap Experiment. A study of the gap size on seedlings survival and growth, edaphic conditions, microclimate, ecophysiology and insect herbivory. Site description, methodologies and experimental set-up. Interim Report 99-1. Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, Georgetown, Guyana. pp. 1-42
ter Steege H., Lilwah R., Ek R.C., van der Hout P., Thomas R.S., van Essen J., Jetten V.G. (1999). Composition and diversity of the rain forest in Central Guyana. An addendum to 'Soils of the rainforest in Central Guyana'. Interim Report 99-2. Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, Georgetown, Guyana. pp. 1-50
van der Hoeven, E.C. (1999). Reciprocal transplantations of three chalk grassland bryophytes in the field. Lindbergia 24: 23-28.
van der Hoeven E.C. (1999). Do chalk grassland bryophytes compete? Dissertatie Utrecht. 111 pp.
van der Hout P. (1999). Reduced impact logging in the tropical rain forest of Guyana. Tropenbos - Guyana Series Nr. 6, Wageningen ,Tropenbos & Dissertatie, Utrecht. 335 pp.
van Kleunen M., Stuefer J.F. (1999). Quantifying the effects of reciprocal assimilate and water translocation in a clonal plant by the use of steam-girdling. Oikos 85: 135-145
Werger M.J.A. (1999). Clonal plants exploit environmental heterogeneity. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 1-13
Werger M.J.A., Dong M. (1999). Ecological Focus. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 1-7.
Willems J.H., Boessenkool K.P. (1999). Coppiced woodlands and their significance for herbaceous plant species conservation. In: Dong M., Werger M.J.A. (eds.), A spectrum of ecological studies. South West China Normal University Press, Chongqing. pp. 188-196
Zander R.H., During H.J. (1999). Neophoenix (Pottiaceae), a new African moss genus found through soil diaspore bank analysis. Taxon 48: 657-662
Zuidema P.A., Dijkman W., Van Rijsoort J. (1999). Crecimiento de plantines de Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K. (castaña) en función de su tamaño y la disponibilidad de luz. Ecología en Bolivia 33: 23-36