Bobbink, R. (1998): Impacts of troposheric ozone and airborne nitrogenous pollutants on natural and seminatural ecosystems: a commentary. New Phytologist 139: 161-168.
Bobbink, R., Hornung, M. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1998): Essay review: The effects of air-borne nitrogen pollutants on species diversity in natural and semi-natural European vegetation. Journal of Ecology 86: 717-738.
Bobbink, R. De Graaf, M.C.C. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1998): Restoration of acidified or eutrophied Nardo-Galion communities: possibilities and constraints. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 47: 509 -510.
De Graaf, M.C.C., Bobbink, R. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1998): Restoration of species-rich dry heaths: the importance of appropriate soil conditions. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 47: 89-111.
De Graaf, M.C.C., Bobbink, R., Verbeek, P.J.M. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1998). Differential effects of ammonium and nitrate on three heathland species. Plant Ecology 135, 185-196.
Güsewell, S., Koerselman, W. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1998): The N:P ratio and the nutrient limitation of wetland plants. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 64: 77-90.
Sparks, R.E. & Spink, A. (1998): Disturbance, succession and ecosystem processes in rivers and estuaries: effects of extreme hydrologic events. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 14: 155-159.
Spink, A., Sparks, R.E., Van Oorschot, M.M.P. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1998): Nutrient dynamics of large river floodplains. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 14: 203-216.
Van Oorschot, M.M.P., Hayes, C. & Van Strien, I. (1998): The influence of soil desiccation on plant production, nutrient uptake and plant nutrient availability in two French floodplain grasslands. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 14: 313-327.
Verhoeven, J.T.A., Bogaards, H., Van Logtestijn, R.S.P. & Spink, A. (1998): Initial estimates of nutrient-related processes in floodplains along modified rivers in The Netherlands. In: Nienhuis, P.H., Leuven, R.S.E.W. & Ragas, A.M.J. (eds.) New concepts for the sustainable management of river basins, pp. 229-240, Backhuys, Leiden.
Wassen, M.J., Van der Vliet, R.E. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1998): Nutrient limitation in the Biebrza fens and floodplain (Poland). Acta Bot. Neerl. 47: 241-253.
Professional publications
Anten, N.P.R., Werger, M.J.A. & Medina, E. 1998. Nitrogen distribution and leaf area indices in relation to photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in savanna grasses. Plant Ecology 138, 63-75
R. M., Bakker, J. P., Grandin, U., Kalamees, R., Milberg, P., Thompson, K. & Willems, J. H. 1998. Seed size, shape and vertical distribution in the soil: indicators of seed longevity. Functional Ecology, 4, 834-842
Bobbink, R. (1998): Kvävenedfallet i Västeuropa. Biodiverse 3(3), 5-7.
Bobbink, R., Roelofs, J.G.M. & Tomassen, H.B.M. (red.) (1998): Effectgerichte maatregelen en behoud van biodiversiteit in Nederland. Afdeling Aquatische Oecologie & Milieubiologie, K.U. Nijmegen/IKC-Natuurbeheer, pp. 196.
Bobbink, R., De Graaf, M.C.C., Verheggen, G.M. & Roelofs, J.G.M. (1998): Heeft het heischrale milieu in Nederland nog toekomst? In: Bobbink, R., Roelofs, J.G.M. & Tomassen, H.B.M., Effectgerichte maatregelen en behoud van biodiversiteit in Nederland. Afdeling Aquatische Oecologie & Milieubiologie, K.U. Nijmegen, pp. 131-159.
Bobbink, R. & Willems, J. H. 1998. Herstelbeheer van Nederlandse kalkgraslanden: een evaluatie na 25 jaar onderzoek 1998, La Gestion des Pelouses Calcicoles, Decock, O. & Woué, L, Cercles des naturalistes Belge, Vierves-sur-Viroin, Belgique, 35-46
Boot, R.G.A. 1998. Extraction of non-timber forest products from tropical rain forest: Does diversity come at a price? Netherlands. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 45, 439-450
Brouwer, E., Roelofs, J.G.M., Bobbink,R. & Verheggen, G.M. (1998): Herstelbeheer in verzuurde en geëutrofieerde zachte wateren: waar en wanneer zinvol? In: Bobbink, R., Bekker, de Kroon, H., van der Zalm, E., van Rheenen, J. W. A., van Dijk, A. & Kreulen, R. 1998. The interaction between water and nitrogen translocation in a rhizomatous sedge (Carex flacca). Oecologia, 116, 38-49
Dijkman, W., Stoian, D., Henkemans, A., Assies, W. & Boot, R.G.A. 1998. Temporal and spatial dynamics in extraction of non-timber forest products in Northern Bolivian Amazon Seminar Proceedings 'Research in Tropical Rain Forests: Its Challenges for the Future', 25-26 November 1997, Tropenbos, The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 149-158
During, H. J. 1998. De diasporenvoorraad in de bodem van een savanne in Zimbabwe. Buxbaumiella, 45, 12-13
Ek R.C. & ter Steege H. 1998. The Flora of the Mabura Hill Area, Guyana. Bot. Jahrb. Syst., 120, 461-502
Fransen, B., de Boer, M., Terlou, M., During, H.J. & Dijkman, W. 1998. Using image-analysis to quantify the horizontal vegetation pattern in two multi-species savanna grasslands. Plant Ecology, 138, 231-237
Hammond, D.S. & ter Steege, H. 1998. Propensity for fire in Guianan Rainforests. Conservation Biology, 12, 948-950
Huber, H., Fijan, A. & During, H.J. 1998. A comparative study of spacer plasticity in erect and stoloniferous herbs. Oikos, 81, 576-586
Jansen, P.A. & Zuidema, P.A. 1998. Selective logging, seed dispersal by vertebrates, and natural regeneration of tropical timber trees. Proceedings of the Symposium 'Effects of Logging on Wildlife in the Tropics'. BOLFOR and Wildlife Conservation Society, Santa Cruz, Bolivia (13-15 Noviembre 1996), 12-17
Leeflang, L., During, H.J. & Werger, M.J.A. 1998. The role of petioles in light acquisition by Hydrocotyle vulgaris L. in a vertical light gradient. Oecologia, 117, 235-238
Li, R., Zhong, Z.C. & Werger, M.J.A. 1998. Density regulation of the clonal growth of new shoots in the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens in subtropical China. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 21, 9-18
Li, R., Werger, M.J.A. & Zhong, Z.C. 1998. Influence of fertilization on the clonal growth of bamboo shoots in Phyllostachys pubescens. (in Chinese. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 21, 19-26
Li, R., Zhong, Z.C. & Werger, M.J.A. 1998. Studies on the dynamics of the bamboo shoots in Phyllostachys pubescens. (in Chinese). Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 21, 53-59
Li, R., Zhong, Z.C. & Werger, M.J.A. 1998. The relationship between the clonal growth and the density of adult shoots with different leaf age in Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel. (in Chinese). Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 21, 545-550.
Li, R., During, H.J., Werger, M.J.A. & Zhong, Z.C. 1998. Positioning of new shoots relative to adult shoots in groves of giant bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens. Flora, 193, 315-321
Li, R., Werger, M.J.A., During, H.J. & Zhong, Z.C. 1998. Carbon and nutrient dynamics in relation to growth rhythm in the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens. Plant and Soil, 201, 113-123
Li, R., Werger, M. J. A., During, H. J. & Zhong, Z. C. 1998. Biennial variation in production of new shoots in groves of the giant bamboo Phyllostachys pubescens in Sichuan, China. Plant Ecology, 135, 103-112
Raaimakers, D., Den Ouden, F., Van der Marel, M. & Boot, R.G.A. 1998. Nitrogen and phosphorus as possible limiting factors for tree growth on acid sandy soils in tropical rain forest in Guyana. Biotropica 30, 223-231
Roelofs, J.G.M. & Tomassen, H.B.M., Effectgerichte maatregelen en behoud van biodiversiteit in Nederland. Afdeling Aquatische Oecologie & Milieubiologie, K.U. Nijmegen/ IKC-Natuurbeheer, pp. 29-52.
Ridgley, M. & Heil, G.W. 1998. Multicriterion Planning of Protected-Area Buffer Zones: An Application to Mexico s Izta-Popo National Park. Multicriteria evaluation in land-use management, E. Beinat & P. Nijkamp (eds.), Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 293 - 311
Schieving, F. 1998. Planto’s plant - On the mathematical structure of simple plants and canopies. Backhuys Publ., Leiden, 1-360
Staalduinen, M.A. van & Heil, G.W. 1998. Habitat Fragmentation: The role of Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) for the Assessment of Effects on Plant Populations. Acta Bot. Neerl., 47, 514-515
Stuefer, J.F. Two types of division of labour in clonal plants: benefits, costs and constraints. 1998. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 1, 47-60
Stuefer, J. F., During, H. J. & Schieving, F. 1998. A model on optimal root-shoot allocation and water transport in clonal plants. Ecol. Modelling, 111, 171-186
Stuefer, J. F. & Huber, H. 1998. Differential effects of light quantity and spectral light quality on growth, morphology and development of two stoloniferous Potentilla species. Oecologia, 117, 1-8
ter Steege, H. 1998. Biomass estimates for forest in Guyana and their use in carbon offsets. Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development/UNDP, Georgetown, Guyana. 1-51
ter Steege, H. 1998. The biogeographical significance of the Iwokrama Forest. Forest ecological and floristic perspectives. Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development, Georgetown, Guyana. 1-21
ter Steege H. 1998. Single rope techniques in tropical rain forest trees. Going down safe and sound. Biotropica, 30, 496-497
ter Steege H. 1998. The use of forest inventory data for a National Protected Area Strategy in Guyana. Biodiversity and Conservation, 7. 1121-1146
ter Steege H. 1998. Sustainable forest management. Is it possible? In: Tropenbos. Seminar Proceedings 'Research in tropical rain forest. Its challenges for the future'. Tropenbos Series. Stichting Tropenbos, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 163-167
ter Steege H., ter Welle B.J.H. & P. 1997. Laming the function of buttresses in Caryocar nuciferum in Guyana. Ecological and wood anatomical observations. IAWA Bulletin, 18, 415-431
Van den Broek, T. (1998): Verdroging en fosforbeschikbaarheid. Landschap 15: 135-143.
Van der Hoeven, E.C., Korporaal, M. & van Gestel, E. 1998. Effects of simulated shade on growth, morphology and competitive interactions in two pleurocarpous mosses. J. Bryology, 20, 301-310
Van der Hout, P. & van Leersum, G.J.R. 1998. Reduced impact logging: a global panacea? A comparison of two logging studies. in: Tropenbos, Seminar Proceedings, "Research in tropical rain forests: its challenges for the future", 25-26 November 1997, The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen. 185-203
Veneklaas, E.J. & Poorter, L. 1998. Growth and carbon partitioning of tropical tree seedlings in contrasting light environments. In: Lambers, H., Poorter, H. & van Vuuren, M.M.I. (eds.), Variation in plant growth. Backhuys Publ., Leiden, 337-361
Verburg, R. W. & During, H. J. 1998. Vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction in the woodland understorey pseudo-annual Circaea lutetiana L. Plant Ecology, 134, 211-224
Verburg, R. W. & Grava, D. 1998. Differences in allocation patterns in clonal and sexual offspring in a woodland pseudo-annual. Oecologia, 115, 472-477
Whigham, D.F. (1998): Linking ecosystems to landscapes: a challenge for ecologists. Oratie, oktober 1998. 28 pp.
Van der Hoeven, E.C. & During, H.J. 1997. The effect of density on size frequency distributions in chalk grassland bryophyte populations. Oikos, 80, 533-539
Willems, J. H. & Bik, L. P. M. 1998. Restoration of high species density in calcareous grassland: the role of seed rain and soil seed bank. Applied Vegetation Science 1,91-100
Willems, J. H. & Melser, C. 1998. Population dynamics and life-history of Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm.: an endangered orchid species in The Netherlands. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 126, 83-93
Zagt, R.J. & Werger, M.J.A. 1998. Spatial components of dispersal and survival for seeds and seedlings of two codominant tree species in the tropical rain forest of Guyana. Tropical Ecology 38, 343-355
Zagt, R.J. & Werger, M.J.A. 1998. Community structure and the demography of primary species in tropical rain forest. In: D.M. Newbery, H.H.T. Prins & N.D. Brown (eds.), Dynamics of tropical communities. Blackwell, Oxford. 193-219
Werger, M.J.A. 1998. Hoe uitloper-planten heterogeniteit in het milieu benutten. Meded. Afd. natuurkunde, Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wet. 107, 99-103