Aerts, R. (1997) Atmospheric nitrogen deposition affects potential denitrification and N2O emission from peat soils in The Netherlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29: 1153-1156.
Aerts, R. (1997) Climate, leaf litter chemistry and leaf litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: a triangular relationship. Oikos 79: 439-449.
Aerts, R. (1997) Nitrogen partitioning between resorption and decomposition pathways: a trade-off between nitrogen use efficiency and litter decomposability? Oikos 80: 603-606.
Aerts, R. & De Caluwe, H. (1997) Initial litter respiration as indicator for long-term leaf litter decomposition of Carex species. Oikos 80: 353-361.
Aerts, R. & De Caluwe, H. (1997) Nutritional and plant-mediated controls on leaf litter decomposition of Carex species. Ecology 78: 244-260.
Aerts, R. & Ludwig, F. (1997) Water-table changes and nutritional status affect trace gas emissions from laboratory columns of peatland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29: 1691-1698.
Aerts, R. & Toet, S. (1997) Nutritional controls on carbon dioxide and methane emission from Carex-dominated peat soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 29: 1683-1690.
Bakker, S.A., Jasperse, C. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1997) Accumulation rates of organic matter associated with different succcessional stages from open water to carr forest in former turbaries. Plant Ecology 129: 113-120.
Beltman, B. & Allegrini, C. (1997) Restoration of lost aquatic plant communities: new habitats for Chara. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 30: 331-337.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Liefveld, W.M. (1997) The ecological significance of organochemical compounds in Sphagnum. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 46: 117-130.
Professional publications
Alpert, P. & Stuefer, J.F. 1997. Division of labour in clonal plants. In: The ecology and evolution of clonal plants (ed. H. de Kroon & J. van Groenendael) pp. 137-154. Backhuys Publ., Leiden.
Andel, J. van, Dijk, E. & Willems, J.H. 1997. Nutrient responses as a key factor to the ecology of orchid species. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 46: 339-363.
Anten, N.P.R. 1997. Modelling canopy photosynthesis using parameters determined from simple non-destructive measurements. Ecological Research 12: 77-88.
Bak, A. & Beltman, B. (1997) Integrale eutrofieringsbestrijding Botshol. Universiteit Utrecht, i.o.v. Dienst Waterbeheer Provincie Utrecht, Utrecht. 55 pp.
Barendregt, A., Beltman, B., Bootsma, M.C., Amesz, M. & T. van den Broek (1997) Herstel van verzuurde laagvenen met oppervlaktewater en mergel. Universiteit Utrecht (IKC - Ministerie van LNV), pp.1-154.
Beltman, B. & Van der Krift, T. (1997) De invloed van sulfaat en chloride op de fosfaatbeschikbaarheid in veenbodem, een bijdrage aan integraal waterbeheer. H2O 30: 19-22.
Boot, R.G.A. 1997. The significance of seedling size and growth rate of tropical rain forest tree seedlings for regeneration in canopy openings. In: The Ecology of Tropical Forest Tree seedlings (Ed. M.D. Swaine) Man & the Biosphere Series, Vol 17, pp. 267-283. Parthenon, Carnforth, United Kingdom.
Bootsma, M.C., Beltman, B., Barendregt, A. & Van den Broek, T. (1997): Restauratie van verzuurde trilvenen in infiltratiegebieden. De Levende Natuur 95: 278-283.
Cornelissen, J.H.C., Werger, M.J.A., Castro-Diez, P., van Rheenen, J.W. & Rowland, A.P. 1997. Foliar nutrients in relation to growth, allocation and leaf traits in seedlings of a wide range of woody plant species and types. Oecologia 111: 460-469.
De Graaf, I., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Rijs, G.B.J. (1997) Helofytenfilters voor de verwijdering van microverontreinigingen uit afstromend wegwater. RIZA werkdocument 97.154x, 44 pp.
Dong, M., During, H.J. & Werger, M.J.A. 1997. Clonal plasticity in response to nutrient availability in the pseudoannual herb, Trientalis europaea L. Plant Ecology 131: 233-239.
Dubbelden, K.C. den & Verburg, R.W. 1997. Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants. Plant and Soil 184: 341-347 .
During, H.J., Eysink, A.T.W. & Sergio, C. 1997. Anthoceros caucasicus Steph. found in The Netherlands. Lindbergia 21: 97-100.
Ek, R.C. 1997. Botanical diversity in the tropical rain forest of Guyana. Ph.D.thesis, Utrecht.
Geber, M.A., de Kroon, H. & Watson, M.A. 1997. Organ preformation in mayapple as a mechanism for historical effects on demography. Journal of Ecology 85: 211-223.
Gonzalez-Mancebo, J.M. & During, H.J. 1997. Reproductive effort of some mosses with different life strategies growing epiphytically in Salix forest in the Biesbosch, The Netherlands. Lindbergia 22: 36-42.
Hoeven, E.C. van der & During, H.J. 1997. Positive and negative interactions in bryophyte populations. In: H. de Kroon & J. van Groenendael (eds.), The ecology and evolution of clonal plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 291-310.
Hoeven, E.C. van der & During, H.J. 1997. The effect of density on size frequency distributions in chalk grassland bryophyte populations. Oikos 80: 533-539.
Huber, H. 1997. Architectural plasticity of stoloniferous and erect herbs in response to light climate. Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht.
Huber, H. & Hutchings, M.J. 1997. Differential response to shading in orthotropic and plagiotropic shoots of the clonal herb Glechoma hirsuta. Oecologia 112: 485-491.
Huber, H. & Stuefer, J.F. 1997. Shade-induced changes in the branching pattern of a stoloniferous herb: functional response or allometric effect? Oecologia 110: 478-486.
Huber, H. & Wiggerman, L. 1997. Shade avoidance in the clonal herb Trifolium fragiferum: a field study with experimentally manipulated vegetation height. Plant Ecology 130: 53-62.
Lahtinen, M.L. & Willems, J.H. 1997. Impact of pollination and resource limitation on seed production in a border population of Spiranthes spiralis (Orchidaceae). Acta Botanica Neerlandica 46: 365-375.
Perez-Corona, M.E. & Stuefer, J.F. 1997. Diversidad en pastizales en relacion a la escala espacial de medida. In: XXXVII Reunion cientifica de la sociedad Espanola para el estudio de los pastos. Los pastos extensivos: producir conservando. pp. 123-131.
Poorter, L., Bongers, F., van Rompaey, R.S.A.R. & de Klerk, M. 1997. Regeneration of canopy tree species at five sites in West African moist forest. Forest Ecology and Management 84: 61-69.
Spink, A.J. (1997) An investigation into the ecohydrology of the Steenwaard region of the River Lek Floodplain. Utrecht University, i.o.v. Drinkwaterbedrijf Midden-Nederland, Utrecht. 39 pp.
Staalduinen, M.A. van & Heil, G.W. 1997. Habitat fragmentation: The role of information systems in decision making. In: Canters K. (ed.), Habitat Fragmentation & Infrastructure. pp. 288-296. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, P-DWW-97-046.
Steege, H. ter. 1997. WINPHOT, a Windows 3.1 programme to analyse vegetation indices, light and light quality from hemispherical photographs. Tropenbos-Guyana Reports 97-3. Tropenbos-Guyana Programme, Georgetown, Guyana. pp. 1-52.
Steege, H. ter, Boot, R.G.A., Brouwer, L.C., Caesar, J.C., Ek, R.C., Hammond, D.S., Haripersaud, P.P., Jetten, V.G., Kellman, .A., Khan, Z., Polak, A.M., Pons, T.L., Pulles, J., Raaimakers, D., Rose, S.A., van der Hout, P., van der Sanden, J.J., van Kekum, J. & Zagt, R.J. 1997. Ecology and logging in a tropical rain forest in Guyana. Tropenbos Series 14, pp. 1.123. The Tropenbos Foundation, The Netherlands.
Steege, H. ter, Welle, B.J.H. & Laming, P. 1997. The function of buttresses in Caryocar nuciferum in Guyana. Ecological and Wood Anatomical Observations. IAWA Bulletin 23: 184-203.
Stuefer, J.F. 1997. Division of labour in clonal plants? Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht. Visser, A.J., Tosserams, M., Groen, M.W., Kalis, G., Kwant, R., Magendans, G.W.H. & Rozema, J. 1997. The combined effects of CO2 concentration and enhanced UV-B radiation on faba bean. 3. Leaf optical properties, pigments, stomatal index and epidermal cell
density. Plant Ecology 128: 208-222.
Werger, M.J.A., Ohsawa, M., Kanzaki, M. & Yakamura, T. 1997. Obituary: Kyoji Yoda (1931- 1996). Plant Ecology 133: 164-166.
Zagt, R.J. 1997. Tree demography in the tropical rain forest of Guyana. Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht.
Zagt, R.J. 1997. Pre-dispersal and early post-dispersal demography, and reproductive litter production, in the tropical tree Dicymbe altsonii in Guyana. Journal of Tropical Ecology 13: 511-526.
Zuidema, P.A., Sayer, J.A. & Dijkman, W. 1997. Forest fragmentation and biodiversity: The case for intermediate-sized conservation areas. Environmental Conservation 23: 290-297.