Beltman, B., Kooijman, A.M., Rouwenhorst, G. & Van Kerkhoven, M. (1996) Nutrient availability and plant growth limitation in blanket mires in Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 96B: 77-87.
Beltman, B., Van den Broek, T., Bloemen, S. & Witsel, C. (1996) Effects of restoration measures on nutrient availability in a formerly nutrient-poor floating fen after acidification and eutrophication. Biological Conservation 78: 271-277.
Beltman, B., Van den Broek, T., Van Maanen, K. & Vaneveld, K. (1996) Measures to develop a rich-fen wetland landscape with a full range of successional stages. Ecological Engineering 7: 299-314.
De Klein, C.A.M. & Van Logtestijn, R.S.P. (1996) Denitrification in grassland soils in the Netherlands in relation to irrigation, N-application rate, soil water content and soil temperature. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28: 231-237.
De Klein, C.A.M., Van Logtestijn, R.S.P., Van de Meer, H.G. & Geurink, J.H. (1996) Nitrogen losses due to denitrification from cattle slurry injected into grassland soil with and without a nitrification inhibitor. Plant and Soil 183: 161-170.
Koerselman, W. & Meuleman, A.F.M. (1996) The vegetation N:P ratio: a new tool to detect the nature of nutrient limitation. Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 1441-1450.
Pérez Corona, M.E., Van der Klundert, I. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) Availability of organic and inorganic phosphorus compounds as phosphorus sources for Carex species. New Phytologist 133: 225-231.
Pérez-Corona, M.E. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) Effects of soil P status on growth and P and N uptake of Carex species from fens differing in P availability. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45: 381-392.
Verhoeven, J.T.A., Beltman, B. & De Caluwe, H. (1996) Changes in plant biomass in fens in the Vechtplassen area, as related to nutrient enrichment. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 30: 227-237.
Verhoeven, J.T.A., Keuter, A., Van Logtestijn, R., Van Kerkhoven, M.B. & Wassen, M. (1996) Control of local nutrient dynamics in mires by regional and climatic factors: a comparison of Dutch and Polish sites. Journal of Ecology 84: 647-656.
Verhoeven, J.T.A., Koerselman, W. & Meuleman, A.F.M. (1996) Nitrogen- or phosphorus-limited growth in herbaceous mire vegetation: relations with atmospheric inputs and management regimes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11: 494-497.
Wassen, M.J., Van Diggelen, R., Wolejko, L. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) A comparison of fens in natural and artificial landscapes. Vegetatio 126: 5-26.
Professional publications
Aerts, R., Huiszoon, A., van Oostrum, J.H.A., van de Vijver, C.A.D.M. & Willems, J.H. 1996. The potential for heathland restoration on formerly arable land at a site in Drenthe, the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 32: 827-835.
Anten, N.P.R., Hernandez, R. & Medina, E. 1996. The photosynthetic capacity and leaf nitrogen concentration as related to light regime in shade leaves of a montane tropical forest tree, Tetrorchidium rubrivenium. Functional Ecology 10: 491-500.
Anten, N.P.R., Schieving, F., Medina, E., Werger, M.J.A. & Schuffelen, P. 1996. Optimal leaf area indices in C3 and C4 mono- and dicotyledonous species at low and high nitrogen availability. Physiologia Plantarum 95: 541-550.
Anten, N.P.R. & Werger, M.J.A. 1996. Canopy structure and nitrogen distribution in dominant and subordinate plants in a dense stand of Amaranthus dubius. Oecologia 105: 30-37.
Bak, A., Van Oorschot, M.M.P. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) Helofytenfilters voor waterkwaliteitsverbetering ten behoeve van de VINEX-locatie Leidsche Rijn. Universiteit Utrecht, i.o.v. Ingenieursbureau Gemeente Utrecht. 50 pp.
Bakker, J.P., Willems, J.H. & Zobel, M. 1996. Long-term vegetation dynamics: Introduction. Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 146.
Bakker, J.P., Olff, H., Willems, J.H. & Zobel, M. 1996. Why do we need permanent plots in the study of long-term vegetation dynamics? Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 147-156.
Beltman, B., Kooijman, A.M., Rouwenhorst, G. & Van Kerkhoven, M. 1996. Nutrient availability and plant growth limitation in blanket mires in Ireland. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy 96B No 2: 77-87.
Bobbink, R. & Willems, J.H. 1996. Herstelbeheer van Kalkgrasland op de Bemelerberg. Resultaten van langjarige begrazing door schapen. Natuurhistorisch Maandblad 85: 247-251.
Dong, M., During, H.J. & Werger, M.J.A. 1996. Morphological responses to nutrient availability in four clonal herbs. Vegetatio 123: 183-192.
During, H.J. 1996. Bryologische bodemschatten. Natura 93: 124-125.
During, H.J. & Lloret, F. 1996. Permanent grid studies in bryophyte communities. I. Pattern and dynamics of individual species. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 79: 1-41.
Hammond, D.S., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Hout, P. van der, Steege, H. ter & Brown, V.K. 1996. A compilation of known Guianan timber trees and the significance of their dispersal mode, seed size and taonomic affinity to tropical rain forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 83: 99-116.
Heil G.W. and W.P.A. van Deursen. 1996. Searching for patterns and processes - Modelling of vegetation dynamics with Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45: 543-556.
van der Hout, P. 1996. Effects of logging with different intensities of low impact harvesting. Tropenbos-Guyana Reports 96-1, 70 pp.
Huber, H. 1996. Plasticity of internodes and petioles in prostrate and erect Potentilla species. Functional Ecology 10: 401-409.
Huber, H. 1996. Growth form and plasticity of the hybrid Potentilla anglica and its two parent species. Abstracta Botanica 19: 61-73.
Huber, H., Stuefer, J.F. & Willems, J.H. 1996. Environmentally induced carry-over effects on seed production, germination and seedling performance in Bunium bulbocastanum (Apiaceae). Flora 191: 353-361.
Kranenborg, E. (1996) Vegetatietypen in de Steenwaard, in relatie tot hydrologie, bodemsamenstelling en grondgebruik. Universiteit Utrecht, i.o.v. Drinkwaterbedrijf Midden-Nederland, Utrecht. 44 pp.
Kampf, R., Schreijer, M., Toet, S. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) Nabehandeling van effluent tot bruikbaar oppervlaktewater in een moerassysteem met helofyten en waterplanten; opzet van een 4-jarig demonstratieproject op praktijkschaal op rwzi Everstekoog. H2O 29: 400-402.
Meuleman, A.F.M., Beltman, B. and Scheffer, R.A. (1996) Aanvoer van gebiedsvreemd water. Probleem of oplossing voor natte natuur in het veenweidegebied. Landschap 1996(3): 181–192.
Schaminée, J.H.J. & Willems, J.H. 1996. Festuco-Brometea (Klasse der Kalkgraslanden). In: Schaminée, J.H.J., Stortelder, A.H.F. & Weeda, E.J. (Eds): De Vegetatie van Nederland. Deel 3. (1996). Opulus Press, Uppsala - Leiden. pp. 145-162.
Schreijer, M., Kampf, R., Toet, S. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) A constructed wetland as a buffer between an oxidation ditch and surface waters with high ecological values. Proc. IWAQ Symposium Vienna : 1-8.
Steege, H. ter, Bongers, F. & Werger, M.J.A. 1996. Ecological constraints to forest management in the Guianas. Proceedings of the Seminar Management Systems for Natural Forests in the Tropics: Sustainable Management of the Guyana Rain Forest. Hinkeloord, Wageningen. pp. 29-44.
Steege, H. ter & Hammond, D.S. 1996. Forest Management in the Guianas: Ecological and evolutionary constraints on timber production. BOS Nieuwsletter 15: 62-69.
Stuefer, J.F. 1996. Potential and limitations of current concepts regarding the response of clonal plants to environmental heterogeneity. Vegetatio 127: 55-70.
Stuefer, J.F. 1996. Separating the effects of assimilate and water integration in clonal fragments by the use of steam girdling. Abstracta Botanica 19: 75-81.
Stuefer, J.F., De Kroon, H. & During, H.J. 1996. Eploitation of environmental heterogeneity by spatial division of labour in a clonal plant. Functional Ecology 10: 328-334.
Van Oorschot, M.M.P. 1996. Effects of the vegetation on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in English and French riverine grasslands. Ph.D. Thesis, Utrecht. 149 pp.
Velazquez A. & G.W. Heil. 1996. Habitat analysis of the volcano rabbit by means of different statistical methods. Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 543-554.
Verburg, R. 1996. Population dynamics and genetic variation in Circaea lutetiana, a pseudo-annual clonal plant. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 45: 584.
Verburg, R.W., Kwant, R. & Werger, M.J.A. 1996. The effect of plant size on vegetative reproduction in a pseudo-annual. Vegetatio 125: 185-192.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) Wetlands for wastewater treatment: opportunities and limitations. In: Mathew, K. & Ho, G.E. (eds.) Wetland systems for wastewater treatment. Workshop papers, pp. 1-2, Institute for Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Perth.
Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1996) Helofytenfilters voor IBA: mogelijkheden en beperkingen. NVA-Symposium "Individuele Behandeling van Afvalwater (IBA): een duurzame (technologische) ontwikkeling ?" : 1-12.
Verhoeven, J.T.A., Van Oorschot, M.M.P. & M.J. van der Peijl (1996) Impacts of fertilization and water table draw-down on vegetation and soil processes in riverine wetlands. In: Maltby, E., Hogan, D.V. & R.J. McInnes (eds.) EUR 16132 - Functional analysis of European wetland ecosystems - Phase 1 (FAEWE). Luxembourg, Office for official Publications of the European Communities, 448 pp.
Willems, J.H. 1996. Mechanisms of species diversity in chalk grassland. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 44: 185.
Willems, J.H. & Ellers, J. 1996. Plant performance and population charactristics of Orchis simia (Orchidaceae) in two etremes of its distribution area. Flora 191: 41-48.
Willems, J.H. & Lejeune, M. 1996. Die Eeuwige St. Pietersberg. De Levende Natuur 97: 69-75.
Willems, J.H. & van Nieuwstadt, M.G.L. 1996. Long-term after effects of fertilization on above-ground phytomass and species diversity in calcareous grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 177-184.