Publications 1993

International, peer-reviewed publications

  • Aerts, R. (1993) Biomass and nutrient dynamics of dominant plant species from heathlands. In: Aerts, R. & Heil, G.W. (eds.) Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a changing Environment, pp. 51-84, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • Aerts, R. (1993) Competition between dominant plant species in heathlands. In: Aerts, R. & Heil, G.W. (eds.) Heathlands: Patterns and Process in a changing Environment, pp. 125-151, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • Aerts, R. (1993) Nutrient turnover in Dutch heathlands during succession from ericaceous to gramineous dominance. Scripta Geobotanica 21: 7-15.
  • Aerts, R. & Van der Peijl, M.J. (1993) A simple model to explain the dominance of low-productive perennials in nutrient-poor habitats. Oikos 66: 144-147.
  • Beltman, B., Rouwenhorst, G., Whilde, A. & Ten Cate, M. (1993) Chemical composition of rain in western Ireland. The Irish Naturalists' Journal 24: 267-274.
  • Berendse,F., Aerts,R. & Bobbink, R. (1993) Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and its impact on terrestrial ecosystems. In: Vos, C.C. & Opdam, P. (eds.) Landscape Ecology of a Stressed Environment, pp. 104-121, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Best, E.P.H., Verhoeven, J.T.A. & Wolff, W.J. (1993) The ecology of The Netherlands wetlands: characteristics, threats, prospects and perspectives for ecological research. Hydrobiologia 205: 305-320.
  • Koerselman, W., Van Kerkhoven, M.B. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1993) Release of inorganic N, P and K in peat soils; effect of temperature, water chemistry and water level. Biogeochemistry 20: 63-81.
  • Kooijman, A.M. & Kanne, D. (1993) Effects of water chemistry, nutrient supply and interspecific interactions on the replacement of Sphagnum subnitens by S. fallax in fens. Journal of Bryology 17: 431-438.
  • Van Vuuren, M.M.I. & Berendse, F. (1993) Changes in soil organic matter and net nitrogen mineralization in heathland soils, after removal, addition or replacement of litter from Erica tetralix or Molinia caerulea. Biology and Fertility of Soils 15: 268-274.
  • Van Vuuren, M.M.I., Berendse, F. & De Visser, W. (1993) Species and site differences in the decomposition of litters and roots from wet heathlands. Canadian Journal of Botany 71: 167-173.
  • Verhoeven, J.T.A., Kemmers, R.H. & Koerselman, W. (1993) Nutrient enrichment of freshwater wetlands. In: Vos, C.C. & Opdam, P. (eds.) Landscape Ecology of a Stressed Environment, pp. 33-59, Chapman and Hall, London.

1993 Professional publications

  • Beltman, B. & Van den Broek, T. (1993) Verzuring van kalkrijke venen. Een studie naar effectgerichte maatregelen. Landschap 10/2: 17-32.
  • Koerselman, W. & Verhoeven, J.T.A. (1993) Eutrofiëring van laagvenen. Interne of externe oorzaken ? Landschap 10: 31-44.
  • Meuleman, A.F.M. (1993) Waterzuivering door moeras-systemen: onderzoek naar de water- en stofbalansen van het rietinfiltratieveld Lauwersoog. RIZA Nota 94.011: 1-134.
  • Van den Broek, T. & Beltman, B. (1993) Herstelgerichte maatregelen in een verzuurd trilveen in de Westbroekse Zodden. De Levende Natuur 94: 17-23.