2019 - Ecology and Biodiversity - Utrecht University Skip to main content
2019 An S, Verhoeven JTA 2019. Wetlands: ecosystem services, restoration and wise use. Springer. 322 p. (Ecological studies, analysis and synthesis). Andringa JI, Zuo J, Berg MP, Klein R, van't Veer J, de Geus R, de Beaumont M, Goudzwaard L, van Hal J, Broekman R, van Logtestijn RSP, Li Y, Fujii S, Lammers M, Hefting MM, Sass-Klaassen U, Cornelissen JHC. 2019. Combining tree species and decay stages to increase invertebrate diversity in dead wood. Forest Ecology and Management. 441:80-88. Brandenburg KM. 2019. Harmful algal traits and bloom dynamics under climate change. Utrecht University. 164 p. Cleland EE, Lind EM, DeCrappeo NM, DeLorenze E, Wilkins RA, Adler PB, Bakker JD, Brown CS, Davies KF, Esch E, Firn J, Gressard S, Gruner DS, Hagenah N, Harpole WS, Hautier Y, Hobbie SE, Hofmockel KS, Kirkman K, Knops J, Kopp CW, La Pierre KJ, MacDougall A, McCulley RL, Melbourne BA, Moore JL, Prober SM, Riggs C, Risch AC, Schuetz M, Stevens C, Wragg PD, Wright J, Borer ET, Seabloom EW. 2019. Belowground Biomass Response to Nutrient Enrichment Depends on Light Limitation Across Globally Distributed Grasslands. Ecosystems. 22(7):1466–1477. de Jager M, Kaphingst B, Janse EL, Buisman R, Rinzema SGT, Soons MB. 2019. Seed size regulates plant dispersal distances in flowing water. Journal of Ecology. 107(1):307-317. Dignam BEA, O'Callaghan M, Condron LM, Raaijmakers JM, Kowalchuk GA, Wakelin SA. 2019. Impacts of long-term plant residue management on soil organic matter quality, Pseudomonas community structure and disease suppressiveness. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 135:396-406. Firn J, McGree JM, Harvey E, Flores-Moreno H, Schütz M, Buckley YM, Borer ET, Seabloom EW, La Pierre KJ, MacDougall AM, Prober SM, Stevens CJ, Sullivan LL, Porter E, Ladouceur E, Allen C, Moromizato KH, Morgan JW, Harpole WS, Hautier Y, Eisenhauer N, Wright JP, Adler PB, Arnillas CA, Bakker JD, Biederman L, Broadbent AAD, Brown CS, Bugalho MN, Caldeira MC, Cleland EE, Ebeling A, Fay PA, Hagenah N, Kleinhesselink AR, Mitchell R, Moore JL, Nogueira C, Peri PL, Roscher C, Smith MD, Wragg PD, Risch AC. 2019. Leaf nutrients, not specific leaf area, are consistent indicators of elevated nutrient inputs. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 3:400-406. Fraaije RGA, Poupin C, Verhoeven JTA, Soons MB. 2019. Functional responses of aquatic and riparian vegetation to hydrogeomorphic restoration of channelized lowland streams and their valleys. Journal of Applied Ecology. 56(4):1007-1018. Gao Z, Karlsson I, Geisen S, Kowalchuk G, Jousset A. 2019. Protists: Puppet Masters of the Rhizosphere Microbiome. Trends in Plant Science. 24(2):165-176. Garssen AG. 2019. Effects of increased drought and flooding episodes on stream riparian vegetation. Utrecht University. 199 p. Gu X, Wang Y, Laanbroek HJ, Xu X, Song B, Huo Y, Chen S, Li L, Zhang L. 2019. Saturated N 2 O emission rates occur above the nitrogen deposition level predicted for the semi-arid grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Geoderma. 341:18-25. Hodgetts N, During HJ 2019. A miniature world in decline: European Red List of mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Brussels: IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature. 88 p. (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - Regional Assessment). Hu J. 2019. Biodiversity-based enhancement of rhizosphere microbiome functionality. Utrecht University. 152 p. Janse JH, van Dam AA, Hes EMA, de Klein JJM, Finlayson CM, Janssen ABG, van Wijk D, Mooij WM, Verhoeven JTA. 2019. Towards a global model for wetlands ecosystem services. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 36:11-19. Klimkowska A, Goldstein K, Wyszomirski T, Kozub Ł, Wilk M, Aggenbach C, Bakker JP, Belting H, Beltman B, Blüml V, De Vries Y, Geiger-udod B, Grootjans AP, Hedberg P, Jager HJ, Kerkhof D, Kollmann J, Pawlikowski P, Pleyl E, Reinink W, Rydin H, Schrautzer J, Sliva J, Stańko R, Sundberg S, Timmermann T, Wołejko L, Van Der Burg RF, Van Der Hoek D, Van Diggelen JMH, Van Heerden A, Van Tweel L, Vegelin K, Kotowski W, Guo X, ed. 2019. Are we restoring functional fens? – The outcomes of restoration projects in fens re-analysed with plant functional traits. PLoS One. 14(4):Article e0215645. Kurm V, van der Putten WH, Weidner S, Geisen S, Snoek BL, Bakx T, Hol WHG. 2019. Competition and predation as possible causes of bacterial rarity. Environmental Microbiology. 21(4):1356-1368. Li M, Wei Z, Wang J, Jousset A, Friman V-P, Xu Y, Shen Q, Pommier T. 2019. Facilitation promotes invasions in plant-associated microbial communities. Ecology Letters. 22(1):149-158. Li X, Jousset A, de Boer W, Carrión VJ, Zhang T, Wang X, Kuramae EE. 2019. Legacy of land use history determines reprogramming of plant physiology by soil microbiome. The ISME Journal. 13(3):738-751. Nijp JJ, Temme AJAM, Voorn GAK, Kooistra L, Hengeveld GM, Soons MB, Teuling AJ, Wallinga J. 2019. Spatial early warning signals for impending regime shifts: A practical framework for application in real‐world landscapes. Global Change Biology. 25(6):1905-1921. Ou Y, Penton CR, Geisen S, Shen Z, Sun Y, Lv N, Wang B, Ruan Y, Xiong W, Li R, Shen Q. 2019. Deciphering Underlying Drivers of Disease Suppressiveness Against Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10:Article 2535. Petruzzella A. 2019. Biotic resistance to alien plant invasions in tropical and temperate freshwater ecosystems. Utrecht University. 266 p. Pos E, Guevara JE, Molino J, Sabatier D, Bánki OS, Pitman NCA, Mogollón HF, García‐villacorta R, Neill D, Phillips OL, Cerón C, Ríos Paredes M, Núñez Vargas P, Dávila N, Fiore AD, Rivas‐torres G, Thomas‐caesar R, Vriesendorp C, Young KR, Tirado M, Wang O, Sierra R, Mesones I, Zagt R, Vasquez R, Ahuite Reategui MA, Palacios Cuenca W, Valderrama Sandoval EH, Ter Steege H, Swenson N, ed. 2019. Scaling issues of neutral theory reveal violations of ecological equivalence for dominant Amazonian tree species. Ecology Letters. 22(7):1072-1082. Qiao C, Penton CR, Xiong W, Liu C, Wang R, Liu Z, Xu X, Li R, Shen Q. 2019. Reshaping the rhizosphere microbiome by bio-organic amendment to enhance crop yield in a maize-cabbage rotation system. Applied Soil Ecology. 142:136-146. Ravanbakhsh M, Jousset ALC, Kowalchuk GA. 2019. Optimization of plant hormonal balance by microorganisms prevents plant heavy metal accumulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 379:Article 120787. Ravanbakhsh M. 2019. Microbial rewiring of plant physiology for resilient agriculture, Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019: Invited speaker and keynote lecture in; Global food security: the challenges for microbiology. Paper presented at Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019, Belfast, United Kingdom. Ravanbakhsh M. 2019. Breeding plant-associated microbes to solve the hidden hunger: Invited speaker, key note lecture in; Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress, Europe . Ravanbakhsh M, Kowalchuk GA, Jousset ALC. 2019. Root-associated microorganisms reprogram plant life history along the growth–stress resistance tradeoff. The ISME Journal. 13:3093–3101. Ravanbakhsh M, Kowalchuk GA, Jousset ALC. 2019. Combining nanomaterials and phages for enhanced bacterial wilt control. Abstract from MICROBE-ASSISTED CROP PRODUCTION 2019. OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES & NEEDS, VIENNA, Austria. Risch AC, Zimmermann S, Ochoa-Hueso R, Schütz M, Frey B, Firn JL, Fay PA, Hagedorn F, Borer ET, Seabloom EW, Harpole WS, Knops JMH, McCulley RL, Broadbent AAD, Stevens CJ, Silveira ML, Adler PB, Báez S, Biederman LA, Blair JM, Brown CS, Caldeira MC, Collins SL, Daleo P, di Virgilio A, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Esch E, Eskelinen A, Hagenah N, Hautier Y, Kirkman KP, MacDougall AS, Moore JL, Power SA, Prober SM, Roscher C, Sankaran M, Siebert J, Speziale KL, Tognetti PM, Virtanen R, Yahdjian L, Moser B. 2019. Soil net nitrogen mineralisation across global grasslands. Nature Communications. 10(1):Article 4981. Saleem M, Hu J, Jousset A. 2019. More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Microbiome Biodiversity as a Driver of Plant Growth and Soil Health. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 50:145-168. Sarneel JM, Hefting MM, Kowalchuk GA, Nilsson C, Van der Velden M, Visser EJW, Voesenek LACJ, Jansson R. 2019. Alternative transient states and slow plant community responses after changed flooding regimes. Global Change Biology. 25(4):1358-1367. Sarneel JM, Bejarano MD, van Oosterhout M, Nilsson C. 2019. Local flooding history affects plant recruitment in riparian zones. Journal of Vegetation Science. 30(2):224-234. Schweizer D, Van Kuijk M, Meli P, Bernardini L, Ghazoul J. 2019. Narratives Across Scales on Barriers and Strategies for Upscaling Forest Restoration: A Brazilian Case Study. Forests. 10(7):Article 530. Seelen LMS, Flaim G, Keuskamp J, Teurlincx S, Arias Font R, Tolunay D, Fránková M, Šumberová K, Temponeras M, Lenhardt M, Jennings E, de Senerpont Domis LN. 2019. An affordable and reliable assessment of aquatic decomposition: Tailoring the Tea Bag Index to surface waters. Water Research. 151:31-43. Teurlincx S. 2019. Connecting the ditches: a spatial perspective on biodiversity in Dutch polder landscapes. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. 240 p. Van De Waal DB, Brandenburg KM, Keuskamp J, Trimborn S, Rokitta S, Kranz SA, Rost B. 2019. Highest plasticity of carbon-concentrating mechanisms in earliest evolved phytoplankton: Plasticity of carbon-concentrating mechanisms. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 4(2):37-43. van Zuidam JP, van Leeuwen CHA, Bakker ES, Verhoeven JTA, Ijff S, Peeters ETHM, van Zuidam BG, Soons MB. 2019. Plant functional diversity and nutrient availability can improve restoration of floating fens via facilitation, complementarity and selection effects. Journal of Applied Ecology. 56(1):235-245. Verbon EH, Trapet PL, Kruijs S, Temple-Boyer-Dury C, Rouwenhorst TG, Pieterse CMJ. 2019. Rhizobacteria-mediated activation of the Fe deficiency response in Arabidopsis roots: Impact on Fe status and signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:Article 909. Verburg R, Rahn E, Verweij P, van Kuijk M, Ghazoul J. 2019. An innovation perspective to climate change adaptation in coffee systems. Environmental Science and Policy. 97:16-24. Verburg RW, Rahn E, Verweij PA, van Kuijk M, Ghazoul J. 2019. An innovation perspective to climate change adaptation in coffee systems. Abstract from LANDac Annual International Conference 2019. Vogel A, Manning P, Cadotte MW, Cowles J, Isbell F, Jousset ALC, Kimmel K, Meyer ST, Reich PB, Roscher C, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Tilman D, Weigelt A, Wright AJ, Eisenhauer N, Wagg C. 2019. Lost in trait space: species-poor communities are inflexible in properties that drive ecosystem functioning. Eisenhauer N, Bohan DA, Dumbrell AJ, editors. In Mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. London: Academic Press. pp. 91-131. (Advances in Ecological Research). Wang X, Wei Z, Yang K, Wang J, Jousset A, Xu Y, Shen Q, Friman V-P. 2019. Phage combination therapies for bacterial wilt disease in tomato. Nature Biotechnology. 37:1513-1520. Wang S, Wang W, Zhao S, Wang X, Hefting MM, Schwark L, Zhu G. 2019. Anammox and denitrification separately dominate microbial N-loss in water saturated and unsaturated soils horizons of riparian zones. Water Research. 162:139-150. Wei Z, Gu Y, Friman V-P, Kowalchuk GA, Xu Y, Shen Q, Jousset A. 2019. Initial soil microbiome composition and functioning predetermine future plant health. Science advances. 5(9):Article eaaw0759. Weidner S. 2019. Linking microbial community assembly and function: diversity, multitrophic interactions and post-disturbance microbiome reassembly. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. 174 p. Xiong W, Li R, Guo S, Karlsson I, Jiao Z, Xun W, Kowalchuk GA, Shen Q, Geisen S. 2019. Microbial amendments alter protist communities within the soil microbiome. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 135:379-382. Zhang P, Kowalchuk GA, Soons MB, Hefting MM, Chu C, Firn J, Brown CS, Zhou X, Zhou X, Guo Z, Zhao Z, Du G, Hautier Y. 2019. SRUD : A simple non-destructive method for accurate quantification of plant diversity dynamics. Journal of Ecology. 107(5):2155-2166. Zhang P. 2019. Effective predictors of herbaceous plant diversity responses to changes in nutrient availability and herbivory. Utrecht University. 204 p. Zhou L. 2019. Stoichiometric mismatch between phytoplankton and zooplankton consumers: Effects at contemporary, transgenerational, and evolutionary timescales. Utrecht University. 146 p.