Geochemistry at Utrecht University focuses on the geochemistry of the Earth surface. We combine field data with experimental, modeling and theoretical approaches to elucidate biogeochemical cycles and mineral transformations along the aquatic continuum, e.g. from weathering of rocks to biogeochemistry of deep-sea sediments. We have access to world-class facilities, including fully equipped isotope and organic geochemistry laboratories and nano-scale mass spectrometry. We investigate (bio)geochemical processes from the nanometer to the global scale and utilize the geological record to better project Earth surface conditions in the future.
Environmental and aquatic geochemistry
This research line focuses on the interactions between water, Earth materials and micro-organisms. These interactions are key to understanding, predicting or engineering a range of geochemical processes, including:
- the formation and dissolution of Earth materials (minerals, rocks),
- the associated speciation, transformation, sequestration or release and transport of various elements in Earth’s surface environment,
- (fresh) water quality,
- the impact of microbial life on the above.
We investigate these geochemical processes from the atomic to the field scale, combining laboratory experiments, field sampling and advanced analytical techniques (such as synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy and scattering) with state of the art computational approaches.
Faculty involved
Reactive-Transport modeling
We develop and apply modeling tools to quantitatively describe the coupling of (bio)geochemical reactions to transport processes in the various compartments of the hydrosphere. Assessing the response of Earth surface environments to anthropogenic and natural perturbations is a key focus.
Examples of modeling tools we use include 1D-biogeochemical models to understand carbon and nutrient processes in aquatic sediments, 3D-biogeochemical models of the ocean, 3D models of groundwater systems and other porous media (including the pore scale) and spatially-explicit global models of carbon and nutrient transport at the land-ocean interface.
Faculty involved
Further information can be found on the Netherlands Earth System Science Centre website.
Biogeochemistry involves the study of biological, chemical and physical processes that govern the cycling of matter at the Earth surface. We integrate observational, experimental, modeling and theoretical studies to elucidate the functioning of modern and past ecosystems. We combine microanalytical techniques (e.g. microsensors and nanoSIMS) with state-of-the-art bulk analyses (elemental, molecular and isotopic) and various types of modeling tools to elucidate processes from the cellular level to regional and global scales. Biogeochemistry of sediments in coastal and open ocean settings is our key focus.
Faculty involved
Past and Future Oceans
The oceans play a major role in moderating climate change by absorbing most of the heat and about 25% of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide. However, these services to mankind come at the expense of ocean acidification, de-oxygenation and warming, each of which has major impact on ocean chemistry and biology. We investigate the causes, mechanisms and consequences of ocean acidification and de-oxygenation on marine ecosystems. We integrate process studies of modern systems, with experimental studies of future systems and detailed reconstructions of past oceans using a wide variety of approaches (e.g. organic and inorganic geochemical proxies; rate measurements). Anoxic marine systems in the past (e.g. Mesozoic) and modern systems such as the Baltic and Black Seas are areas of present focus.
Faculty involved
- Jaap Sinninghe Damsté
- Stefan Schouten
- Francien Peterse
- Jack Middelburg
- Caroline Slomp
- Appy Sluijs
- Gert-Jan Reichart
Further information can be found on the Netherlands Earth System Science Centre website.
Members of the Geochemistry group teach Bachelor and Master courses in inorganic and organic geochemistry, biogeosciences, reactive-transport modeling and paleoceanography. We also supervise a number of MSc and BSc projects on a wide variety of subjects.
Bachelor's courses
- Chemistry of the Earth (GEO1-1122)
- Chemistry of System Earth (GEO1-2206)
- Physical Chemistry (GEO2-1202)
- Geochemical Processes (GEO3-1308)
- Paleoceanography (GEO3-1318)
- Programming in Earth Sciences (GEO3-1320)
- Water in GEO processes (GEO3-1330)
Master's courses
- Microbes and Biogeochemistry (GEO4-1440)
- Reactive Transport in the hydrosphere (GEO4-1421)
- Aquatic and Environmental Chemistry (GEO4-1439)
- Introduction to Marine Sciences (GEO4-1451)
- Principles of Groundwater flow (GEO4-1434)
- Hydrogeological transport phenomena (GEO4-1433)
- Environmental hydrogeology (GEO4-1432)
- Kinetic processes (GEO4-1426)
- Field research instruction Geochemistry (GEO4-1431)
Research projects
Please contact one of the group members if you are interested in doing a BSc or MSc research project with us. You have the option to join our exciting ongoing research projects or to explore your own ideas if you can convince a staff member to guide you. You can apply to the to obtain support for self-initiated independent research.
- Dr Thilo Behrends
- Professor Lex Bouwman
- Professor Nora de Leeuw
- Professor Jack Middelburg
- Professor Helge Niemann
- Dr Lubos Polerecky
- Professor Karline Soetaert
- Dr Amir Raoof
- Professor Caroline Slomp
- Professor Mariëtte Wolthers
Associated Researchers
- Dr Frances Dunn
- Dr Niels van Helmond
- Dr Janou Koskamp
- Dr Wytze Lenstra
- Vincent Peters MSc
- Dr Eric Siero
- Dr Tanja Stratmann
- Dr Olivier Sulpis
- Dr Junjie Wang
- Dr Aleksandar Zivkovic
PhD candidates
- Priyanka Agrawal
- Vasso Alexandratos
- Amalia Filippidi
- Nicole Geerlings
- Signe Haukelidsæter
- Wim Joost van Hoek
- Alemeh Karami
- Bayan Khojah
- Anne Kruijt
- Matthias Kuderer
- Joep Langeveld
- Xiaochen Liu
- Mingkai Ma
- Alejandra Morera Chavarria
- Gerrit Müller
- Melanie Münch
- Nina Papadomanolaki
- Salima Sadeghi
- Sergej Seepma
- Madalina Vita
- Annika Vollebregt
- Olga Zygadlowska
The GeoLab is the main laboratory facility of the Faculty of Geosciences. The main research area of the Faculty is the changes of the Earth system with and without stress. The human impact is a specific area of interest. The GeoLab carries out research in close cooperation with the scientists and students.
We have a wide range of lab facilities available for measuring bulk rock geochemistry, bulk rock stable isotopes (H, C, N, S), in situ stable and radiogenic isotopes (U,Pb-dating), in situ major and trace elements and crystallography.
For more information, please contact the lab management: