
Listed below are related publications on transformative policing and reform written by our team.

Demmers, Jolle and Luuk Slooter. 2021. Geweld. Amsterdam: Athenaeum.

Diphoorn, Tessa, McGonigle Leyh, Brianne, and Luuk Slooter. 2021. ‘Transforming Police Reform: Global Experiences through a Multidisciplinary Lens’. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice

Diphoorn, Tessa. 2020. The ‘pure apples’: Moral bordering within the Kenyan Police. Environment and Urbanization D: Society and Space 38(3): 490-509.

Diphoorn, Tessa. 2020 ‘Arms for Mobility’: Policing Partnerships and Material exchanges. Policing and Society 30(2): 136-152.

Diphoorn, Tessa. and Erella Grassiani. 2020. ‘Why do we need your research?’: The Ethics of Studying Security and the Dilemmas of the Anthropologist-Expert. Journal of Extreme Anthropology 4(1): 116-134.

Diphoorn, Tessa, Naomi van Stapele, and Wangui Kimari. 2019. Policing for the Community? The     mismatch between reform and everyday policing in Nairobi, Kenya. In Simon Howell (ed.),   Policing the Urban Periphery in Africa: Developing Safety for the Marginal. Pretoria: African       Policing Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF), pp. 24-40.

Diphoorn, Tessa. 2019. Why decades of Kenya police reforms have not yielded change. The Conversation, November 25 (    reforms-have-not-yielded-change-127332).

McGonigle Leyh, B. 2020. ‘A New Frame? Transforming Policing through Guarantees of Non-Repetition’, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice

McGonigle Leyh, Brianne, ‘No Justice, No Peace: The United States of America Needs Transitional Justice’, Opinio Juris Blog, 5 June 2020.

Slooter, Luuk. 2021. De avondklok rellen gaan voorbij goed en kwaad, Sociale Vraagstukken, 2 februari 2021.

Slooter, Luuk. 2019. ‘Urban Uprisings: The Troubled Relationship Between Citizens and Police in France, the UK and the USA’, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.

Slooter, Luuk. 2019. The Making of the Banlieue: An Ethnography of Space, Identity and Violence. Cham: Palgrave.

Van Stapele, Naomi and Tessa Diphoorn. 2019. ‘Ready to Shoot’ vs ‘Ready to Loot!’ The Violent      Potentialities of Demonstrations in Kenya.