Season 3

After two successful seasons with over 7,000 downloads worldwide, a third season of the podcast series Travelling Concepts On Air had to follow. The goal and format remains the same: Podcast hosts Dr. Tessa Diphoorn and Dr. Brianne McGonigle Leyh explore the promise and ideal of interdisciplinarity by looking at travelling concepts: concepts that travel within and across disciplines. Every month, two scholars are invited to discuss a particular concept and explore how, if, and why such concepts have travelled.

More than twenty concepts are covered so far – including the concepts discussed in the Christmas Special – and still, there are plenty of concepts waiting to be discussed. The season kicks off with an episode on the concept of URBAN. More exciting episodes will follow that cover the concepts of Imagination, Efficiency and Privacy to name a few. You can follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to stay tuned for our latest episodes!

Podcast & education

Is an episode relevant to your teachings? You can assign the podcast to students as supplementary learning material. The podcast series can be helpful for students in understanding a particular concept as well as interdisciplinarity more generally.

In case you are interested in using a podcast in your teachings, students can then fill out the short survey found here. We encourage you to spread this survey among your students. The survey gives us insight in how the podcast is being appreciated and where we can improve.



Editor and producer Evert Aalten from Scandal Studios

Contesting Governance Research platform

Institutions for Open Societies

Utrecht Young Academy