Episode 8: Violence

In this episode Dr. Tessa Diphoorn and Dr. Brianne McGonigle-Leyh are joined by Dr. Luuk Slooter, an Assistant Professor in Conflict Studies at the Utrecht University, and Dr. Don Weenink, who works at the faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, to  discuss the concept of ‘Violence’.

In this episode they examine the concept of ‘violence’ and how it is used within two different academic fields. What differences and similarities are there in their approach of the concept? Find out more about it by listening to this episode on SpotifyApple Podcast or any platform!




Brownstein, Henry H. 2000. ‘The Social Reality of Violence and Violent Crime,’ Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Collins, Randall. 2009. ‘Violence: a micro-sociological theory’, Oxford: Princeton University Press.

Demmers, Jolle en Luuk Slooter. 2021. ‘Elementaire Deeltjes 73 – Geweld’, Amsterdam: Athenaeum.

Malešević, Siniša. 2017. ‘The Rise of Organised Brutality: a Historical Sociology of Violence’, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Katz, Jack. 1999. ‘How Emotions Work’, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.s



Johan Galtung

Paul Farmer

Karsten de Dreu

Nancy Scheper-Hughes

Philippe Bourgois



Les Misérables, 2019