Episode 1: Sea Level

In this episode Dr. Tessa Diphoorn and Dr. Brianne McGonigle-Leyh discuss the concept of ‘Sea Level’ together with Dr. Peter Bijl and NIOZ geophysicist Dr. Paolo Stocchi. Dr. Peter Bijl is an assistant professor at the research group Marine Palynology & paleoceanography. Dr. Paolo Stocchi is a geophysicist at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ).

Initially, the hosts were hesitant about the concept of Sea Level, but they quickly changed their minds about it. How complex is the concept of Sea Level and how differently is it used? You’ll hear all about it in this episode!

You can listen to this episode on Spotify, on Apple Podcast, or any other podcast platform.



Bryson, Bill. 2005. ‘A short history of nearly everything’, New York: Broadway Books.

Prof. dr. L.L.A. (Bert) Vermeersen (TU Delft)
Geologist Sander Houben (Geological Survey)
Geologist James Hutton
Geologist Eduard Suess

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