Episode 9: Transformation
Episode 9: Transformation
In this episode, Dr. Tessa Diphoorn and Dr. Brianne McGonigle Leyh discuss the concept of ‘Legitimacy together with Johan Schot and Joost de Laat. Johan Schot is Professor of Global History and Sustainability Transitions at the Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges. He is Director of the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC). Joost de Laat holds the Chair of Global Economic Challenges at the Utrecht School of Economics and is currently also directing the Utrecht Centre for Global Challenges.
In this episode they examine the concept of ‘transformation and how it has developed over time. The hosts discuss how they respectively use the concept of transformation and whether there are differences/similarities in their approach. In addition to this, they discuss how we can transform society to meet the many challenges of the future, and the role that academia plays in such transitions.
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Literature list and further reading
Polanyi, Karl, eds. 2001. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. Boston: Beacon Press.