Meet the Board
prof. dr. ir. H.A. (Henk) Dijkstra
ProfessorEmail: h.a.dijkstra@uu.nlScience - Physics - Marine and Atmospheric Research - Physical Oceanography- Director
dr. D. (Deb) Panja
Associate ProfessorEmail: d.panja@uu.nlScience - Information and computing sciences - Algorithms- Vice-director
prof. dr. G.T. (Gerard) Barkema
ProfessorEmail: g.t.barkema@uu.nlScience - Information and computing sciences - Algorithms- Board member
dr. W.M. (Wioletta) Ruszel
Associate ProfessorProgramme DirectorEmail: w.m.ruszel@uu.nlScience - Mathematics - Mathematical Institute - Mathematical ModelingScience - Mathematics - Mathematical Institute- Board member (per jan 2023)
dr. F.M. (Florian) Berger
Assistant ProfessorEmail: f.m.berger@uu.nlScience - Biology - Biodynamics and Biocomplexity - Cell BiologyScience- Board member (per jan 2023)
prof. dr. I. (Ingmar) Swart
Academic DirectorProfessorEmail: i.swart@uu.nlScience - Physics - Debye Institute for Nanomaterials ScienceScience - Physics - Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science - Molecular Biophysics- Board member (per jan 2023)
dr. ir. Q. (Qingyi) Feng
External Cooperation CoordinatorEmail: q.feng@uu.nlScience - Operational management - Onderzoek- en Valorisatiebeleid- Coordinator
A. (Amy) van der Ham
Management/Office AssistantEmail: a.vanderham@uu.nlScience - Operational management - Onderzoek- en Valorisatiebeleid- Management-/Office assistant