Please check our News & Events for details of a certain event.
Most of the events are open to everyone, please click any events interest you and add them to your calendar.
* Educational activities, please check with the course coordinators before join in.
Reservation of the CCSS "living room" (MIN4.16) can be done by CCSS members via at least one week in advance. Please note: the standard title of the reservation should be "MIN4.16 reservation + your full name".
An Overview of Regular Events
- Science Jam (with lunch 12:00-13:00), once per month, contact person: Dr. Ir. Qingyi Feng (
- Lunch Meeting (with lunch 11:40-13:00), once per month, contact person: Dr. Ir. Qingyi Feng (
- Lunch Discussion (with lunch 11:40-13:00), once per month, contact person: Dr. Ir. Qingyi Feng (