
Children and Language Mixing: developmental, psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic aspects (CALM)
An intriguing phenomenon in the field of bilingualism is language mixing, the alternating of languages in the same episode of speech production (for example: “do you want to go to the bioscoop tonight?”). Language mixing is common, and research with bilingual adults demonstrates that it is regulated, creative and enhances communication.

Language mixing in children
For children, however, while bilingualism is often seen as an advantage, language mixing provokes concerns. When children mix, it is often taken as a signal for low linguistic proficiency. As such, professionals working with bilingual children often encourage parents to avoid language mixing and ‘cleanly’ stick to one language only. Further reinforcing this idea, the vast majority of research on child bilingualism has investigated children’s two languages separately, excluding mixed utterances and measuring input and development per language. This approach ignores the fact that mixing is common and thereby fosters misconceptions.
Aims and research questions
The aim of this research program is to investigate the effects of parental mixing on children’s language development and to develop an innovative, comprehensive model of children’s own mixing. To achieve this, we will
- demonstrate whether and how mixed language input affects children's language development;
- determine the influence of social, linguistic and cognitive factors on children's language mixing behaviour;
- identify the impact of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) on the relation between mixed language input and children’s language development; and
- elucidate the effect of DLD on children's language mixing behaviour.
In addition to children without any language problems, children with DLD are included. This is important for developing relevant advice for this clinical population. DLD may amplify any effects of mixed input and highlight the role of linguistic, cognitive and social factors in children’s mixing behavior.
The results of this novel parent-child investigation will inform scientific theories of bilingual development and language disorders. The findings will give speech-language therapists, pediatricians, and teachers the information they need to help parents and children.