
What about my privacy?

Your privacy is very important to us. We therefore handle your data carefully and confidentially. During the investigation, we take various measures to protect the privacy of you and your child.

Personal data

For this research, your personal data and sound recordings are collected, used, and stored. This concerns data such as your name, address, date of birth and sound recordings in the home situation. The collection, use and storage of your data and sound recordings is necessary to answer the questions posed in this study. If you want to participate, you will receive information about the study with the information letter. We ask for your permission for the use of your personal data via the consent form.

Protection of your data

To protect your data, we separate the names, addresses and other privacy-sensitive data, such as medical data, and we give this data a code. We use the coded data during the research. Researchers only see this code and cannot trace the research results back to you or your child. The data can only be traced back to a person with the key to the code. This key remains safely stored on a secure disk of the UU. After the investigation, the persons who participated in the investigation cannot be traced back in reports and publications.


Some people can get access to your data, even the data without a code. This applies to the researchers of the CALM study. They may never pass this information on to third party and are bound by strict secrecy.

Publications and Retention Periods

We only make statements about groups of people based on the research data. You can indicate on the consent form whether you wish to receive it. We never make statements about recognizable individuals. According to standard procedures, the research data and sound recordings are kept for at least 10 years after the research has been completed.

The Controller

For this research Utrecht University is responsible that the research, complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). See the privacy statement of Utrecht University.

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions or complaints about the research, you can contact the researchers.
If you have any complaints or questions about privacy, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of Utrecht University via More information about privacy regulations can be found at the website of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.