
Great that you would like to learn more about participating in our study!

Can I participate?

For this study, we are still looking for children between 3 and 6 years of age who speak and/or hear both Dutch and English. Data collection for families with children who speak and/or hear both Dutch and Turkish or Polish has finished. Do you think that your family could contribute to our study? Please contact us.

What does participation entail?

This study started in the spring of 2022. We’re still looking for participants. If you participate, a researcher will make appointments with you to visit you at home. These appointments will take no longer than 2 hours each. This will also include time to get to know each other and to take breaks. We plan these appointments at times that work well for you.

Families can participate in two appointments in 2024.

A researcher will come to your home for these appointments. The researcher will administer questionnaires with the parents. They will also ask you to make one day of audio recordings in your home. Of course, the audio recordings will be made in a child-friendly and non-invasive way. Besides this, the researcher will do several tasks with your child in addition to the questionnaires and home-recordings. These tasks are designed as ‘games’ and, generally speaking, children enjoy participating.

For your time and effort you will receive €15 per appointment. You will thus receive €30 for participating in this research project.

In the video below, you will find more information on the study and participation.

Or scroll down for the information video in Turkish, Polish or Dutch.

Do you have further questions? Or would you like to participate?

Please do not hesitate to contact us through the contact form!

Children and Language mixing
Children and Language Mixing Türkçe
Children and Language Mixing Polski
Children and Language mixing Dutch