
Training the molecular life scientists of the future

The Bijvoet Centre provides education to bachelor students through the bachelor program Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences of Utrecht University, and has a dedicated program for the education of master students (Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences) and for PhD candidates (Molecular Life Science). The educational program the educational program for PhD candidates of the Bijvoet Centre has been accredited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1992.

The Bijvoet Centre organizes regular Bijvoet Seminars in which external scientists are invited to present their research to all scientists in the centre. The Bijvoet Symposium, organized once a year, feature excellent invited speakers that are top-scientists that have contributed significantly to the progress of their respective areas of science. The symposia also allow PhD candidates in the centre to present their research to the local scientific community. Every summer, the Bijvoet Centre also organizes, together with The Utrecht Summer School a summerschool called "Exploring Nature's Molecular Machines" on the chemical principles underlying protein structure and function and how proteins form an assembly of “molecular machines”.