
Student Talks

(weekly) on Monday at 16:00h*
Student Journal Club meetings (monthly) are from 14:00-15:45h*
Meetings are in O1.28*, Kruyt Building. 
*unless stated otherwise

Attendance for all students is obligatory

We expect you at campus every Monday between 16:00h and 17:00h. Unless abroad, for those students a Teams link is available.

Contact person and organisation

Student talks: Jorg Massen, room O.304, email:
Journal club & research proposals: Dian Zijlmans, room O.303, email:
(You can pick up the laptop and pointer in room O3.03)

Student talks and seminars

DateTime SpeakerTitle
6 Jan16-17h Wesley van EckLong-term effects of intrinsic factors on the group composition of chimpanzees
13 Jan16-17h Yke SnijderSocial and behavioral effects of infants in captive Barbary macaques
20 Jan16-17h Romy LorteijeThe influence of eagle pressure on the anti-predator behaviour of guereza black-and white colobus monkeys
27 Jan16-17h Romane LetenExploring the activity and nutritional dynamics of sexually receptive female in wild chimpanzees
3 Feb16-17h Giacomo Jervis

Assessment of inter-group differences in social tolerance of rhesus macaques

10 Feb16-17h TBAResearch Proposals
17 Feb16-17h Jolien StammesDoes personality affect male territoriality of feral water buffalo?
24 Feb16-17h Bieke BerisNetworking and necking: giraffe's social dynamics 
3 Mar16-17h Amber WinterStereotypies and the influence of social behaviour in Giraffes
10 Mar16-17h TBAResearch Proposals
17 Mar16-17h Sophie WolfswinkelSocial Structure of Rüppell's vultures
24 Mar16-17h Jonas van OostenPower dynamics and reason-giving in 5- to 9-year-old children
7 Apr16-17h TBAResearch Proposals
21 Apr16-17h Eastern 
28 Apr16-17h AllTrack Exchange Discussion