PLanning sUStainable publIC Transport (PLUS ICT)

Bus aan de Heidelberglaan

Public transport is an essential service for society because it enhances mobility. To make public transport more affordable, cleaner, and extensive, we need to design our transportation systems efficiently. For these challenges, we focus on designing and testing new algorithms and approaches for planning electric buses and related tasks. In addition to seeking improvements for planning individual components such as buses or drivers, we also explore the integration and resolution of technical challenges arising from this combination. To achieve this, we collaborate closely with Qbuzz and utilise their data, scenarios, and expertise to design and validate the usability of our algorithms.

Recently, we initiated a new project where we search for the most favorable times to recharge the batteries of electric buses. In this way, we not only make public transport more affordable but also ensure that the demand for electricity is better aligned with the supply.

Project leader

Dr. M.E. van Kooten Niekerk

Academic supervisors

dr. J.A. Hoogeveen, dr. ir. M. van den Akker

Grant funding agency and (co-)funding non-academic partners
