Special Issue ACS Biomacromolecules

All speakers are welcome to submit their conference contributions to a Special Issue in ACS Biomacromolecules.

Submissions that are accepted for publication will be published as soon as they are ready in regular issues of the journal. Once all accepted manuscripts are published, they will be compiled into the Special Issue. Therefore, publication will not be delayed due to the processing of any pending submissions. The issue will have the same focus as the conference:

  • Drug Delivery, Nanomedicine, Drug Targeting

  • Tissue Engineering, Hydrogels, Biomaterials

  • Biodegradable Polymers, Advanced Synthesis & Processing

Biomacromolecules website

Direct submission links will be send out directly to interested invited speakers. To this end, please contact the Biomacromolecules Managing Editor (Graham Smeddle, GSmeddle@acs-i.org), if you would like to make a submission.

Submissions to Biomacromolecules can also be made directly through ACS Paragon Plus.

The deadline for submissions will be 31st December 2024.