About us
The Academy functions as a platform for development, communication and valorisation of knowledge on the transdisciplinary topic of ecosystem services
Our vision
The Academy of Ecosystem Services functions as a platform for development, communication and valorisation of knowledge on the transdisciplinary topic of ecosystem services. Our backbone consists of fundamental ecological research that connects to questions emerging from policy and practice of nature conservation. We envision to train the next generation of capable scientists through facilitation and development of scientific education and research.
The Academy is a joint initiative between the UU Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Geosciences. Three research groups are participating: the group Ecology & Biodiversity of the Faculty of Science and the groups Energy & Resources and Environmental Sciences from the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (Faculty of Geosciences).
The Academy has two committed special chairs: The Chair for Sustainable Forest Management which focuses on sustainable management of forest goods and services through market mechanisms and other tools, and The Prince Bernhard Chair for International Nature Conservation that provides a platform for internationally renowned researchers working at the interface of science and conservation. Several societal partners participate with the Academy: The Foundation Chair Prince Bernhard which supports the Prince Bernhard Chair and university education and research on nature conservation, the Trésor Foundation which manages and protects >2500 ha of tropical rain forest in French Guiana while stimulating scientific research and environmental education, Tropenbos International which acts as a global knowledge broker for local governments and organisations, and the WWF NL which is a key player in WWF’s global programmes and activities.
The Academy of Ecosystem Services is chaired by an academic leader and coordinated by two scientists from the science and geosciences faculties. The Academy is supported by a working group consisting of core researchers from all involved research groups and representatives of the committed chairs and societal partners.