Public Governance and Management
The Public Governance & Management (PGM) research unit, headed by prof. Albert Meijer, conducts high-quality and high-impact research on the governance of public issues and the management of public organizations. The unit is engaged in political, public administration and public management research, both conceptual and empirical, as well as theoretical and applied research.
PGM researchers focus on the governance and regulation of public issues, the management of public organizations, and the organization of public services, in social, economic and cultural environments. They conduct studies on the interaction between (a) policy, politics, governance and accountability, (b) public management, innovation and leadership, and (c) professional services and practices. We aim to contribute to responsible, professional and innovative governance of social issues through our research, teaching, and societal impact activities. Government organisations and public institutions (EU, national government, regional and local authorities) as well as public and semi-public organizations and service providers (healthcare institutions, schools, the police and the Judiciary) constitute the locus of our research.
Public Governance (PG) and Public Management (PM)
The PGM unit consists of two chairs: Public Governance (PG) and Public Management (PM), with collaborative links between them and with others. PGM houses distinctive innovative projects cutting across these groups, such as the ERC project on Succesful Public Governance, the research line on 'behavioural governance, research in government transparency, and the role of the media in governance. Our research is at the frontline of societal issues, such as the evaluation of the Dutch Counterterrorism Strategy for the Ministry of Justice and Safety and research on abuse among Jehova’s Witnesses.
More information on PGM research can be found on the pages of the chairs:
National and international collaboration
The PGM unit participates in various interdisciplinary collaborations across Utrecht University, mainly within the strategic research themes Institutions for Open Societies – including the Security in Open Societies hub, the Behaviour and Institutions stream, the Platform Markets & Corporations in Open Societies and the EU Platform, – as well as Pathways to Sustainability. The unit also participates in the research focus areas Governing the Digital Society and Professional Performance.
Academics not only collaborate within Utrecht University. A considerable amount of research is conducted jointly with outside partners and stakeholders as well as public and civil society actors.
We seek our audience not only in academia but also publish for a broader audience, with books on the Welfare State; Nudging, Provinces; and Corporations in the Open Society. PGM academics want to make a (societal) impact.