How can a city remain or become more open to different socio-cultural groups and non-human life? How do we shape open cities in response to urban challenges ranging from massive inequality to devastating climate change? How do we imagine such an Open City and how can we work towards its realization?

  • News

    • Call for Papers: Languages in the City

      This two-day symposium, organized by the Open Cities Platform, explores the multitude of linguistic practices that serve to “open up” or “close down” participation in urban spaces.
    • Call: Open Cities Reading Circles

      If you are starting a new research project and want to read specific scholarship, we invite you to suggest a reading circle within our Open Cities events.
  • Events

    • Towards housing justice: From research to action

      This workshop by the Open Cities Platform is framed by the problematic of the global housing crisis and the multiple challenges this context brings to the majority of the world’s urban population living in precarious conditions.