Diversity and inclusion in organisations

Changes in society lead to an increasing diversity among employees on the contemporary labour market. These are employees who might differ from each other visibly (for example, through their gender or ethnicity). But also invisible differences (e.g., in values and preferences) determine how employees experience the labour market. This growing diversity may have positive effects, by allowing more people to gain access, and make their unique contribution. However, it also creates challenges. For instance, how do we ensure that everyone is given equal opportunities? What determines whether people can identify with their organisation, and want to continue working for it? And how do we ensure that men and women are able to combine their work with childcare?

We aim to answer these questions by combining fundamental research with applied research within organisations. Experimental research in the lab, for example, teaches us which mechanisms in the brain lead people to have (unconscious) prejudices against certain groups. By collaborating with various partners, this knowledge is being transferred and researched in daily practice. For example, we can offer advise on how organisations can shape their policies in order to reduce the impact of unconscious bias on work outcomes (e.g., who gets hired). With our research, education and cooperation with various partners, we contribute to a diverse and inclusive labour market.

We collaborate at UU with the research group Organisational behaviour, the Gender & Diversity Hub and the Future of Work Hub of the Interdisciplinary Strategic Theme 'Institutions for Open Societies'.
