Close-up: Utrecht Day of Philosophy
Is it a bad thing that we are governed by irrational thoughts? Are you responsible for your own prejudices? And how do we experience beauty? On the Utrecht Day of Philosophy (Utrechtse Dag van de Filosofie), the public and philosophers studied the world around us. Visitors listened to talks by prominent philosophers, explored their own moral boundaries and participated in philosophical speed dating.
You can do philosophy on your own, but you need others if you really want to sharpen your mind. It’s wonderful, after two pandemic years, to throw the doors wide open and see how the audience is alive with energy. I loved all of the insightful questions and quality conversations.
I went from story to story, but I have a hard time choosing between them. Each got me thinking in a different way or saddled me with questions, and I like that!
The Utrecht Day of Philosophy is an annual event organised by the Centre for Science and Culture as part of the General Studies programme, in cooperation with the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, and with contributions from the Descartes Centre, the Faculty Association of Utrecht Philosophy Students (Faculteitsvereniging Utrechtse Filosofiestudenten) and the University of Humanistic Studies. Utrecht Day of Philosophy.