Creating videos yourself

It’s not always necessary to hire a professional when creating a video. For example, you can often create educational knowledge clips or social media content about your research on your own. On this page, you’ll find tools to help you with this.

Tutorials Creating Videos with Your Smartphone

Man staat in een studio en praat terwijl hij de lens in kijkt. Hij heeft een Utrecht University-trui aan.

In three short, accessible videos, you will discover the basics of video production step by step: good preparation, filming, and post-production.

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Smartphone loan kit

Get more out of your smartphone! The kit includes a backpack with a lightweight tripod, phone holder, light and wireless clip-on microphones.


DIY studios

At the university, there are various do-it-yourself studios to make your own recordings. The rooms are equipped with a camera, microphone, lighting and background.

See studios

Workshop Creating Videos with Your Smartphone

Persoon filmt zichzelf met smartphone.

In this interactive workshop, you’ll work with your smartphone. You’ll receive personal feedback and tips to improve your skills.

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