Bachelor courses
M&S offers the basic courses Kennismaking met Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek and Toepassen van Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek. In these courses, the most important aspects of qualitative, correlational and experimental research are discussed and a critical attitude towards research is advocated. Additionally, the students gain experience with planning, conducting and reporting a small-scale study.
Next to the first-year courses, M&S organizes an advanced course for most Bachelor’s programmes in which experience with previously learned techniques is deepened.
Parallel to the courses for the Bachelor’s programmes of FSS, M&S takes care of three M&S courses for the Academische Lerarenopleiding Primair Onderwijs, which is offered in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht.
At UCU, M&S organizes three courses on quantitative data (2 basic and 1 advanced), and a course on qualitative research methods.