Frequently asked questions
Below are the most frequently asked questions about Meet the Professor. If your question isn’t included here, please get in touch. Want to find out who’s behind Meet the Professor? If so, check out the Contact page.
All mainstream primary schools that are a maximum of 30 minutes by bicycle from the Dom can register their years 6, 7 and/or 8 for Meet the Professor.
Yes, you can sign up as many classes at each school as you like. The first class you sign up is guaranteed a place.
Meet the Professor is certainly not just aimed at plus or talent classes! All years 6, 7 and 8 at a primary school no more than 30 minutes by bicycle from the Dom can participate.
No, unfortunately you cannot indicate a preference for a particular professor or research theme. We pair up schools and professors at random. And which professor will come to visit you...? You will work it out together, using the clues sent to you in the Meet the Professor quest!
We try to ensure that each group has a different professor than in previous years.
Yes, we make sure that the professors know how to communicate with children. The UU Science Hub helps the professors with this before the event. In addition, students in teacher training or Educational Science programmes help the professors to prepare their story. As a result, we make sure that the professor arrives at your school well prepared!
Unfortunately, this is not possible. All the professors visit on the same date.
The professor is counting on you to have a computer with a USB connection and a projector or smart board. If you don't have this, you can still participate. In this case, please send an email to to let us know. Besides the equipment mentioned above, you don't need anything special.
Children and professors have something important in common: both groups are very curious and want to understand the world around them better. As a result, the professors who participate in Meet the Professor find it important to show children what a researcher does. In this way, they aim to show a new generation of children how enjoyable and important it is to remain curious and to keep digging deeper.
No, participation in Meet the Professor is completely free! The preparatory lessons and all materials will also be sent to you free of charge.
We’ve got lots of ideas about this! Please contact us at