Costs of living & benefits

Average Costs of living and the benefits of living in the Netherlands

Below you can find an overview of the cost of living in the Netherlands. The estimated costs of living shows the costs of 3 different kind of households: a single, a two person and a family household (two adults and two children).

The average cost are per month is in euros.

Average costs of livingSingle HouseholdTwo-person HouseholdFamily household (two adults & two children)
Local Taxes263030
Health insurance
Health insurance
(additional & dentist)
Insurance, legal liability101530
Primary/secondary education
(Education is free, only a  “contribution”)


General cost

International school

Average of 6.000 - 7.500 euro per year

  • Public transport, for more information look at or
  • Car average of 300-620 euros per month (from small to full size car), including gas, insurance and write-off.
Child care

Average of 6-10 euro per hour per child.

Rent Utrecht
  • Free housing market: 1.200 - 2.500 euros per month
  • Social/public housing: up till 808 excl. Per month
Liability insurance

3-8 euros per month

The above mentioned costs are based on:

The Benefits of living in the Netherlands

There are a lot of benefits of living in the Netherlands. Below you can find an overview.

  • 0-5 years old: 269 per quarter
  • 6-11 years old: 328 per quarter
  • 12-17 years old: 385 per quarter

Benefits, working in the Netherlands and at Utrecht University

  • Paid leave (Doorbetaald verlof) - NL
  • Leave:
    • Collective closing of buildings in holidays - UU
    • Leave for national holidays - UU
    • Special arrangements for leave (Buitengewoon verlof) - UU
    • Care leave (Zorgverlof) - NL
    • Parental leave (Ouderschapsverlof) - NL
    • Maternity leave (Zwangerschaps- en bevallingsverlof) - NL
  • Salary including:
    • 8% holiday pay - UU
    • 8,3% year-end bonus - UU
  • Costs of commuting (Reiskosten woon-werkverkeer) - UU
  • Extras for care and childcare - NL
  • Health care insurance (collectivity discount) - UU
  • Other insurances and discount - UU
  • Retirement arrangements - UU
  • Primary and secondary schools are free of charge - NL
    (schools have the right to ask for a contribution)