15.000 visitors on manuals.uu.nl

Never again having to search for an IT manual, but having every instruction available in one place for both students and employees: that is the benefit of the manuals website. This is a new initiative from the  Information and Technology Services department and has had over 15.000 visitors since its launch in September until november 2016. 

Over 60 manuals 

On the website you find a large number of IT manuals: How to set up eduroam on your mobile phone? How to print from a Macbook? How to use MyWorkplace on my laptop as a student? This is only a small selection of what the site has to offer. With over 60 manuals (most of which also available in English) and adding more each week, the website becomes more and more complete 

The website has a feedback option, so employees and students can send in their suggestions or requests for new manuals or improving the current ones.