Bringer of Rain: The best water for office plants

Bringer of Rain is a rain barrel in the Bestuursgebouw from which employees can easily and quickly collect rainwater for use on their office plants. Did you know that rainwater is very suitable and healthy for plants since it contains less minerals and lime than tap water?

You can find Bringer of Rain in the hallway by the meeting centre in the Bestuursgebouw, opposite room 0.43.

You can find Bringer of Rain in the hallway by the meeting centre in the Bestuursgebouw, opposite room 0.43.

Pay attention:

Do not use a plant sprayer

It is possible for bacteria to form within this rain barrel. Therefore, if water from Bringer of Rain gets into the air as a mist, there is a chance that someone will inhale the bacteria and become infected. All that you need to do to prevent this is to not use a plant sprayer. As long as the water remains in a liquid state, then it cannot harm you.

Do not drink from this water

The collected rainwater is purely intended for plants. It is not safe to drink this water.

Do donate your residual water

You are welcome to pour in your residual water through the top drain, whether it be warm or cold (e.g. leftover water from your kettle, after you made tea). By discharging your residual water, you are helping to prevent the unnecessary wastage of tap water. Watch out: Only unpolluted water is welcome, so no tea water or other liquids.

Why a rain barrel?

As you know, rainwater in the Netherlands is far from scarce, as we have to deal with an average of 2.4 litres of rain per square meter every day. And yet, by letting the majority of this rainfall drain unused into the sewer system, we are wasting one of this country’s most valuable resources. If we were instead to collect this water in rain barrels, less groundwater would need to be extracted from our soil, preventing this soil from drying out. Collecting rain water also reduces the demand for purified and transported groundwater, saving lots of energy. Lastly, Bringer of Rain is made from recycled HPDE plastic.

Bringer of Rain is a project of the Green Office and the University Corporate Offices.