Our Office
UU students and staff are welcome to work on sustainability related projects at the Green Office. The Green Office is also available as a space for sustainable events.
Visit us
If you would like to learn more about the Green Office and how you can get involved, visit us at the Administration Building (Heidelberglaan 8, room 0.44). Do you have a specific question? Send us an email beforehand via greenoffice@uu.nl, so we can connect you with the right person.
Working at the Green Office
Would you like to work in our office and meet like-minded people? You are welcome to work in our space. Making an appointment is not necessary. If you are coming as a group, please make a reservation via greenoffice@uu.nl.
Hosting events at the Green Office
Would you like to organise a sustainability-related event, that has either UU staff or UU students as a target audience? You can use the Green Office for free. Make a reservation by sending an e-mail to greenoffice@uu.nl.