Workshop: Your future academic career

As a PhD candidate you have probably thought about your career after your PhD track. If you want to know more about how to increase your changes of pursuing your career in academia, this course is for you. While you are a PhD candidate you can already make efforts to build an attractive CV suitable as a starting point for successful grant applications. In this workshop you will learn how to find funding opportunities and how to prepare yourself to these opportunities in advance. The workshop is open for all PhD candidates and will take place at the Groenman building, B1.09. The course is taught in English or in Dutch, depending on the participants.


To be announced later!


The workshop is offered by the PhD Office of the faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and is free of charge.

Information and registration

For more information, please contact Stans de Haas:
P 030 253 4761

Career Services

Please note that this workshop focuses on the academic career. More career services are available at