Young people's mental health in mental health services (GGZ)

Research increasingly suggests that psychopathology and (problems in) psychosocial functioning often have their origins in adolescence. This concerns problems such as depression and substance abuse, but also - and much less studied - personality pathology. Thereby, these kinds of problems are nowadays mainly placed in the perspective of adolescent (normal) development. Indeed, personality pathology, as of other forms of psychopathology, arises in the interplay between characteristics of the adolescent (such as temperament or personality, but also, for instance, life events) and elements of their social relationships, with peers or parents, for instance.
Therefore, researchers from the Department of Developmental Psychology, together with the Expertise Centre Early Intervention Helping Young People Early of GGZ Centraal in Amersfoort, recognised as a GGZ institution, are investigating which individual, social and environmental characteristics play a role in the emergence and development of personality pathology in young people. This research makes use of data collected as a kind of ‘backbone’ continuously via Routine Outcome Monitoring from young people and their relatives (the ‘BPD Young’ data), but also of data collected specifically for certain research projects, often in the field of interventions. An example of the latter is the PRIMARY study, which looks at the effectiveness of an app for young people still waiting for treatment.
Name project:
BPDYoung (Beyond Personality Development – Young)
PRIMARY (Pre-Intervention Monitoring Affect and Relationships in Youth)
SHARE (Support and Help for Adolescents in Responding to social Experiences)
Collaboration partners:
Helping Young People Early (HYPE) GGz Centraal, Amersfoort
Funded by:
Universiteit Utrecht, GGz Centraal, ZONMW, Zorgondersteuningsfonds