The voice of children after divorce or separation

This study uses the Self-determination Theory to investigate children's voices during and after a parental divorce. Children’s voice is not yet sufficiently guaranteed in families and neither in mediation and legal practice. The research is aimed at promoting the self-determination of children through their participation after divorce, taking into account risks and mutual differences. In addition, the aim is to come up with concrete applicable findings to improve the participation of children during and after divorce.
Hear, Hear! Nurturing Children’s Self-Determination Through Participation in The Context of Parental Divorce.
Inge van der Valk, together with: 1 postdoc, 2 assistant professors, 3 professors, 2 student-assistants.
researchers from the Department of Education & Pedagogy together with researchers from the Department of Law.
In collaboration with:
We actively work together with a youth panel consisting of experienced young people aged 12 to 18 and also with a sounding board group consisting of experienced legal and healthcare professionals around divorce and the organisations involved.
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