Run your project
Now you are almost ready to start your research project. Learn more about Data Management Plans and privacy, reporting, how to manage your finances, handling changes in the project and FAIR data management. Find help with organising outreach and impact activities, publishing and impact support, commercialisation and entrepreneurship, the faculty of Geosciences press office, the Centre for Science and Culture, public engagement, impact metrics and the registration of your activities with PURE.
Below you will find information about Utrecht University's services, services specific for Geoscientists, and background information on the 'Running your project' phase. Click the boxes to jump to the information you're looking for.
Support and contact via Utrecht University
Publishing and impact support
Utrecht University provides support for researchers and research groups in finding a fitting publication strategy that results in a large (academic) outreach.
With activities and expertise in the field of wide-ranged education, science communication and education and culture, the UU Centre for Science and Culture contributes to the profile and ambitions of Utrecht University for education, research and social impact.
Public engagement involves dialogue, interaction and participation, between researchers and non-academics. It creates benefits for the public (increased understanding, chance to be part of science), the researchers (new ideas, challenge thinking), the university (raises its profile) and for society (making more informed choices, challenge rooted convictions). Find out more about the Utrecht University public engagement programme.
Utrecht University offers specialised support for creating economic impact from your research via patents or start-ups, for example via Utrecht Holdings and the Centre for Entrepreneurship.
Academic Integrity is crucial in research
Utrecht University has set principles and goals in a Code of Conduct, in addition to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity 2018. You can find both codes on the Utrecht University webpage on research integrity. There you can also find information on who to contact in case of questions or complaints about research integrity.
Utrecht University research information system PURE
PURE is Utrecht University's research information system and the system for the registration of your research output. Please fill in your publications and societal impact activities in PURE, so they are registered – contact the departmental secretariat on the departmental procedures.
Data management and privacy
You should store your data securely and have it accessible and editable to only co-workers involved in your project. This is also specified in your data management plan (DMP). In running your research, you should manage your data according to your DMP. In detailing your project after the initial plan, it may be necessary to deviate from your plan. If so, you should update your DMP.
Information and support for Geoscientists
You should imply the measures that you have decided upon to protect the privacy of your research subjects. These measures are stated in the privacy scan or – and if applicable: the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) – that you created in collaboration with the faculty of Geosciences privacy manager. In detailing your project, you may decide to deviate from the privacy scan. For example by collecting more data, including more participants, or using other tools. If so, you should update your privacy scan. You are invited to consult the faculty of Geosciences privacy manager for advice. Note that the privacy scan is a ‘living document’, in that it should represent reality. If a DPIA was created and you deviated fundamentally from what you envisioned when the DPIA was created, please contact the faculty of Geosciences privacy officer: it may be required (by law!) to get advice from Utrecht University's Data Protection Officers.
Note that data collection of personal data can only be started after a privacy scan or (if relevant: a DPIA) has been approved.
If you amend your research proposal after having received approval from the Science-Geo Ethics Review Board, and the amendments have consequences for the ethical aspects of your research, then you are required to inform the Ethics Review Board. The Ethics Review Board is authorised to issue a new evaluation on your amended proposal.
Report periodically
Every funder has its own rules with respect to reporting the results. While NWO might only ask for a mid-term and a final report, the EU might expect yearly reports and a mid-term evaluation, depending on the size and the sort of program. As researcher you are responsible for reporting the scientific results to the funding agency, our faculty of Geosciences Finance department will assist you in drafting the financial report.
Changes in the project
As researcher you are responsible for any changes in the execution in the project. In case of a personal grant or award you are responsible to ask the funder to approve the changes. When you are part of consortium, the project coordinator is responsible for requesting approval of any changes to the funder. In this case a contract amendment is generally needed. Please contact the Research Support Office to check the legal aspects of contract amendments.
Societal impact
When organising outreach and impact activities, how do you recognise potential impacts, create awareness for it and make it happen? Our societal impact guide will help you.
Geo Press office and Communications
The Geosciences press office can help you contact press Interested in contacting the press and spread your research through (social) media. Additionally, the graphic designers from the Communications department are happy to help you with presentations, posters, and cartography and figures and other visual materials.
Background information
Each project will receive (at least) one WBS-code in the financial administration (SAP). Only Finance and Control staff has direct access to the SAP system. However, project-owners can view the state of affairs of their projects through Business Objects.
For advice on and assistance with ordering products and services and for assistance with (European) tenders you can contact the two departments of the Procurement and Tendering Centre (IAC).
Impact metrics
Besides traditional citation counts, there are many ways of tracking research impacts. They try to capture the presence in new scholarly venues, presence and impact in social media and other forms of online engagement, such as views, downloads, bookmarks etc. Collectively, we refer to these as altmetrics, as opposed to traditional citation measurement using Web of Science, Scopus and other citation enhanced databases. Find out more on impact metrics on the Utrecht University metrics website.