Submit your proposal
When you apply for funding, you must follow specific procedures for collecting the required institutional signatures and submitting a proposal to a funding agency. To avoid last minute delays, it is important to check what institutional requirements there are at an early stage, such as arranging your letters of support in a timely manner. The Research Support Office will assist you in arranging these necessary institutional approvals. Obtaining these approvals will confirm that the Research Support Office has reviewed the proposal, that it meets internal and the funding agency requirements, and that all documents are ready for submission.
Below you will find information about Utrecht University's services, services specific for Geoscientists, and background information on the 'Submitting your proposal' phase. Click the boxes to jump to the information you're looking for.
Support and contact via Utrecht University
All support on submitting your proposal is organised via the faculty of Geosciences Research Support Office. Below you will find more information per section.
Information and support for Geoscientists
Risk assessment & Submission process via PRAISE
Together with the Research Support Office, you will assess the various risks involving the project. This includes ethical, financial, HR, legal and procedural aspects. Based on the risks that are identified, the relevant authority at the department-, faculty- or university-level, will need to formally accept the risks identified prior to submission of the proposal. The faculty of Geosciences has developed an online tool, PRAISE, to facilitate the risk-assessment and approval for submission.
The faculty of Geosciences has defined several funding programmes, such as typical NWO and EU-Horizon programmes, that have well-known risks that the faculty will accept implicitly. These are the so-called white-list-programmes. However, when additional risks have been identified, the regular approve-for-submission process will be followed. It is therefore important that the Research Support Office is always involved in funding applications.
Background information
It is recommended to include in your proposal information about Utrecht University's policy on data management, privacy, information security, ethics and open science. This will prove to the potential funder that we take these topics seriously. The Research Support Team can support you to write these paragraphs.
Additionally, you should have considered how you will manage and publish your data and – if applicable – how to handle personal data. This is a requirement of most funders, and it may affect the budget needed for your project.
Your proposal should have an indication of your data management, such as an indication where you will publish the findings and/or data. This data management plan and privacy scan don't need to be fully elaborated yet. The elaborated data management plan and privacy scan (and, if applicable, the Data Protection Impact Assessment) are deliverables in the project.