NanoSIMS Technique
NanoSIMS uses a finely focused beam of primary ions to erode the sample surface (Fig. 2). The secondary ions (atomic and molecular) produced in this process are then analyzed by a mass spectrometer.
Fig. 2
Although the basic principle is rather simple, the technical realization for achieving high sensitivity, mass resolution and spatial resolution requires some very sophisticated technology. This technology is put together in an instrument produced by Cameca. In our lab, we operate Cameca’s NanoSIMS 50L model (Fig. 3) equipped with the standard Cs+ ion source and the Hyperion H201 O- source.
Advantages & limitations of NanoSIMS
NanoSIMS is a versatile analytical technique. Key advantages and practical limitations include:
Fig. 4
Depending on the position in the table, elements can be detected by NanoSIMS as either positive or negative ions.