Involvement in teaching

The TecLab is actively involved in several BSc and MSc courses at Utrecht University, and also regularly offers opportunities for Bachelor and Master thesis projects.


  • GEO4-1418 MSc Dynamics of basins and orogens
  • GEO4-1442 MSc Modelling of crust and lithosphere deformation
  • GEO4-1425 MSc Earth mineral resources
  • GEO4-1520 Master Thesis MSc Earth Structure and Dynamics
  • GEO4-1521 Guided research/Internship MSc Earth Structure and Dynamics
  • GEO2-1209 Deformatie en metamorfose van de korst
  • GEO3-1325 Bachelor Thesis BSc Earth Sciences

Below a (selected) list of completed BSc and MSc student projects in the TecLab, which are typically characterised by a multi-disciplinary approach in which for instance a field work or numerical modelling study is combined and integrated with a physical analogue modelling part in the TecLab:

MSc and Guided Research:

  • J. Hidalgo: Analogue modelling of extensional reactivation of thrust wedges.
  • D. Borghouts: Evaluating and constraining the effects of Paleozoic crustal scale structural features on the fault kinematics and basin evolution of the Dutch Central Graben.
  • M. Delagas: Intra-oceanic Subduction Initiation Based on Analogue Modelling.
  • L. Rutten: Acoustic sensors for sandbox modelling.
  • J. Arts: The influence of frictional behaviour in the seismogenic zone on large scale deformation in subduction zones: insights from analogue modelling.
  • N. Feliu Vilà: Anatolia extrusion controlled by the extrusion driving forces: an insight through crustal analogue modelling.


  • M. Sibbel: Surface dynamics of inversion tectonics systems through analogue modelling.
  • H. Gerritsen: The influence of rheological differences on the structural evolution of normal faults in analogue models.
  • M. van Scheltinga: Effect of syn-tectonic sedimentation on the evolution of a rift system.
  • S. Zuiderwijk: The role of strain rate variation during extension – inferences from analogue modelling.
  • S. Jacobs: The effect of shear zone width on shear band development, using analogue modelling.
  • J. Arts: The effects of vertical load on rift geometry in asymmetric extension: Insights from analogue modelling.